Cf_ordered |
Ordered types.
Cf_either |
A utility type to represent the sum of two parameter types.
Cf_exnopt |
A utility type representing the sum of a parameter and an exception.
Cf_smonad |
The state monad and its operators.
Cf_cmonad |
The continuation monad and its operators.
Cf_scmonad |
The state-continuation monad and its operators.
Cf_tai64 |
Computations with the Temps Atomique International (TAI) timescale.
Cf_tai64n |
Computations with the Temps Atomique International (TAI) timescale.
Cf_gregorian |
Conversions between the Gregorian calendar and Chronological Julian Day.
Cf_stdtime |
Conversions between Standard Time, UTC and TAI.
Cf_journal |
Diagnostic event journaling.
Cf_seq |
Lazily-evaluated sequences (functional streams).
Cf_deque |
A functional persistent double-ended catenable deque, with Oavg(1) cost
for every operation.
Cf_flow |
Lazy stream procesors and their operators.
Cf_heap |
A module type for functional heap implementations.
Cf_pqueue |
A module type for functional priority queue implementations.
Cf_map |
A module type for associative array implementations (with functional
enhancements over the
Map module in the standard library).
Cf_set |
A module type for functional set implementations (with enhancements over
Set module in the standard library).
Cf_sbheap |
Functional skew binomial heaps with O(1) merge.
Cf_rbtree |
Functional red-black binary trees.
Cf_gadget |
Monadic composition of complex stream processors.
Cf_state_gadget |
Monadic composition of complex stream processors.
Cf_machine |
Object-oriented framework for monadic composition of complex stream
Cf_unicode |
Unicode transcodings.
Cf_parser |
Functional LL(x) parsing with monadic combinators.
Cf_message |
Functional message buffer chains.
Cf_dfa |
Functional composition of lazy deterministic finite automata.
Cf_regex |
Regular expression parsing, search and matching.
Cf_lex |
Lexical analysis with functional composition of regular grammars.
Cf_scan_parser |
Lexical analysis with functional composition using
Scanf scanners.