module Cf_flow:sig
value is like a Cf_seq
value that can take intermediate input
to continue generating output. Many of the other modules in the cf
library use this module.
The semantics of this module are derived from the stream processors in the
Fudgets system, as described by Magnus Carlsson and Thomas Hallgren in
their joint Ph.D. thesis,
chapter 16.
type('i, 'o)
t =('i, 'o) cell Lazy.t
type ('i, 'o)
cell =
| |
P of |
(* | Output a value | *) |
| |
Q of |
(* | Input a value | *) |
| |
Z |
(* | Finish processing stream | *) |
val nil : ('y, 'x) t
val nop : ('x, 'x) t
val filter : ('x -> bool) -> ('x, 'x) t
filter f
to construct a stream processor that applies f
to every
input value and outputs only those for which the function result is true
.val map : ('i -> 'o) -> ('i, 'o) t
map f
to construct a stream processor that applies f
to every input
value and outputs the result.val optmap : ('i -> 'o option) -> ('i, 'o) t
optmap f
to construct a stream processor that applies f
to every
input value and outputs the result if there is one.val listmap : ('i -> 'o list) -> ('i, 'o) t
listmap f
to construct a stream processor that applies f
to every
input value and outputs every element of the resulting list.val seqmap : ('i -> 'o Cf_seq.t) -> ('i, 'o) t
listmap f
to construct a stream processor that applies f
to every
input value and outputs every element of the resulting sequence.val broadcast : ('i, 'o) t list -> ('i, 'o) t
broadcast ws
to construct a stream processor that combines the input
and output of every stream processor in the list ws
by first rendering
all the output from each stream in turn, then ingesting all the input to
each stream in turn, until all streams are completed.val mapstate : ('s -> 'i -> 's * 'o) -> 's -> ('i, 'o) t
mapstate f s
with an initial state value s
and a folding function
to construct a stream processor that folds the state into every input
value to produce an output value and a new state.val machine : ('s -> 'i -> ('s * 'o Cf_seq.t) option) -> 's -> ('i, 'o) t
machine f s
with an initial state value s
and a folding function
to construct a stream processor that folds the state into every input
value to produce either a sequence of values to output and a new state or
the end of stream processing.module Op:sig
val to_seq : (unit, 'o) t -> 'o Cf_seq.t
to_seq w
to convert a stream processor w
into the equivalent
sequence. This can only work when the stream processor ingests input of
the unit
type.val of_seq : 'o Cf_seq.t -> ('i, 'o) t
of_seq z
to convert a sequence into the equivalent stream processor
(which never ingests any input).val upcase : (char, char) t
val dncase : (char, char) t
val commute : ('i, 'o) t -> 'i Cf_seq.t -> 'o Cf_seq.t
commute w z
to produce an output sequence from a flow w
ingests its input from the sequence z
.val commute_string : (char, char) t -> string -> string
commute_string w s
to commute the sequence of characters in the string
with the flow w
and compose a new string from the resulting sequence.val drain : ('i, 'o) t -> 'o Cf_seq.t
drain w
to produce an output sequence comprised of all the values
output from the stream processor w
until the first input is required.val flush : ('i, 'o) t -> ('i, 'o) t
flush w
to discard all the output from the flow w
until the first
input is required.val ingestor : ('a Cf_seq.t option, 'a) t
This stream processor is helpful for placing at the end of a serial
composition to produce a transcoder.
val transcode : ('i Cf_seq.t option, 'o) t -> 'i Cf_seq.t -> 'o Cf_seq.t
transcode w z
to produce the sequence of output values obtained by
executing the transcoder stream processor w
to ingest every element of
the sequence z
.module Transcode:sig
and last
transcoder functions.
val readC : (('i, 'o) t, 'i) Cf_cmonad.t
val writeC : 'o -> (('i, 'o) t, unit) Cf_cmonad.t
writeC x
to compose a continuation monad that puts x
into the
flow produced by evaluation and returns the unit value.val evalC : (('i, 'o) t, unit) Cf_cmonad.t -> ('i, 'o) t
evalC m
to evaluate the continuation monad m
, computing the
encapsulated flow.val readSC : ('s, ('i, 'o) t, 'i) Cf_scmonad.t
val writeSC : 'o -> ('s, ('i, 'o) t, unit) Cf_scmonad.t
writeSC x
to compose a state-continuation monad that puts x
the flow produced by evaluation and returns the unit value.val evalSC : ('s, ('i, 'o) t, unit) Cf_scmonad.t -> 's -> ('i, 'o) t
evalSC m s
to evaluate the state-continuation monad m
with the
initial state s
, computing the encapsulated flow.