module Transcode: sig
.. end
A namespace for the more
and last
transcoder functions.
val more : ('i Cf_seq.t option, 'o) Cf_flow.t ->
'i Cf_seq.t -> 'o Cf_seq.t * ('i Cf_seq.t option, 'o) Cf_flow.t
Use more w z
to produce an intermediate sequence of output values
obtained by executing the transcoder stream processor w
to ingest all
the elements of the sequence z
. Returns the intermediate output
sequence and a new transcoder stream processor representing the
intermediate state of the transcoder, as it is now ready for ingesting
more input or its "end of input" indication.
val last : ('i Cf_seq.t option, 'o) Cf_flow.t -> 'o Cf_seq.t
Use last w z
to produce the final sequence of output values obtained
by executing the transcoder stream processor w
after ingesting the
"end of input" indication.