Module Cf_cmonad

module Cf_cmonad: sig .. end
The continuation monad and its operators.


The continuation monad is provided here mostly for reference purposes, since it is helpful to refer to it when lifting into a more complex monad.

A continuation monad represents a computation composed of stages that can be interrupted, resumed and rescheduled. Because Objective Caml is an eager language programming in the continuation-passing style (CPS) can be simplified by the use of the continuation monad and its operators.

Note: see the Cf_gadget module for an example of its use.


type ('x, 'a) t = ('a -> 'x) -> 'x 
The continuation monad: a function for passing intermediate results from continuation context to continuation context.


module Op: sig .. end
A module containing the ( >>= ) binding operator for composition of continuation monads.


val nil : ('x, unit) t
A monad that returns unit and performs no operation.
val return : 'a -> ('x, 'a) t
Use return a to produce a monad that returns a as an intermediate result from the current continuation.
val init : 'x -> ('x, 'a) t
Use init x to produce a monad that discards the current intermediate result and returns x as the continuation context.
val cont : ('x -> 'x) -> ('x, unit) t
Use cont f to produce a monad that passes the calling continuation to the function f and returns the unit value as an intermediate result.
val eval : ('x, unit) t -> 'x -> 'x
Use eval m to evaluate the continuation monad to produce a function from initial continuation context to final continuation context.