Module Cf_sbheap

module Cf_sbheap: sig .. end
Functional skew binomial heaps with O(1) merge.

This module implements a bootstrapped functional skew binomial heap, which have O(1) cost in space and time for most operations, including merge. The underlying algorithm can be found in Chris Okasaki's Ph.D. thesis.


module Heap: 
functor (E : Cf_ordered.Total_T) -> Cf_heap.T with module Element = E
A functor that produces a module of type Cf_heap to represent heaps with the element type described by E.
module PQueue: 
functor (K : Cf_ordered.Total_T) -> Cf_pqueue.T with module Key = K
A functor that produces a module of type Cf_pqueue to represent priority queues with keys of the type described by K.