Module Cf_rbtree

module Cf_rbtree: sig .. end
Functional red-black binary trees.


This module implements functional sets and maps based on red-black binary trees. This permits trees that can be used as an alternative to the Set and Map modules in the Ocaml standard library. For many operations on sets and maps, red-black binary trees give better performance that the balanced trees in the standard library (though some applications may see better performance with the standard modules).


module Set: 
functor (E : Cf_ordered.Total_T) -> Cf_set.T with module Element = E
A functor that produces a module of type Cf_set to represent sets with the element type described by E.
module Map: 
functor (K : Cf_ordered.Total_T) -> Cf_map.T with module Key = K
A functor that produces a module of type Cf_map to represent maps with keys of the type described by K.