Module Cf_message

module Cf_message: sig .. end
Functional message buffer chains.


This module implements convenience functions useful when manipulating lists of substrings that represent portable inter-process communication messages. A list of substrings is very much like the "mbuf" chain commonly found in network protocol stacks, and this module facilitates composing and manipulating messages in this way.


type substring = string * int * int 
The type of messages, i.e. a list of substrings (a string, the position of the first character in the substring, and the length of the substring).
type t = substring list 


val normalize : t -> t
Use normalize m to discard empty substrings from the list. Raises Invalid_arg if any of the substrings have a negative length or which specify invalid substrings of the string component of the triple.
val create : string -> t
Use create s to obtain a new message composed of a flattened message containing the string s. Returns the empty list when the string is the empty string.
val length : t -> int
Use length m to compute the length of the message m.
val contents : t -> string
Use contents m to create a new string containing the entire text of the message m.
val copy : t -> t
Use copy m to create a new message with a deep copy of the contents of m, i.e. it is equivalent to create (contents m).
val flatten : t -> t
Use flatten m to reduce a message list of two or more substrings to a single substring. If m is already a single substring or the empty list, then m itself is returned. Otherwise, the result is the same as what copy m would return.
val split : pos:int -> t -> t * t
Use split ~pos m to return two new messages, the first containing all the text in message m before the position pos, and the second containing all the remaining text in message m. The strings themselves are not copied; only the list of substrings is manipulated. Raises Invalid_argument if the position is negative or beyond the length of the message.
val truncate : pos:int -> t -> t
Use truncate ~pos m to return a new message containing all the text in message m before the position pos. The strings themselves are not copied; only the list of substrings is manipulated. Raises Invalid_argument if the position is negative or beyond the length of the message.
val shift : pos:int -> t -> t
Use shift ~pos m to return a new message with all the text in message m before the position pos removed. This strings themselves are not copied; only the list of substrings is manipulated. Raises Invalid_argument if the position is negative or beyond the length of the message.
val insert : pos:int -> m:t -> t -> t
Use insert ~pos ~m m1 to return a new message with all the text in message m inserted into the message m1 at the position pos. The strings themselves are not copied; only the list of substrings is manipulated. Raises Invalid_argument if the position is negative or beyond the length of the message.
val push : t ->
substring Cf_deque.t -> substring Cf_deque.t
Use push m q to push the message m into the A end of the substring queue q.
val pop : len:int ->
substring Cf_deque.t ->
t * substring Cf_deque.t
Use pop ~len q to pop a message of length no larger than len from the B end of the substring deque q. The message and the remainder of the deque are returned.
val shiftq : len:int -> substring Cf_deque.t -> substring Cf_deque.t
Use shiftq ~len q to discard the first len octets from the B end of the substring deque q. The remainder of the deque is returned.
val drain : substring Cf_deque.t -> t
Use drain q to convert the entire substring deque q into a message.
val drain_seq : ?x:exn -> substring Cf_deque.t -> char Cf_seq.t
Use drain_seq q to convert the substring deque q into a character sequence. If ?x is provided then evaluating the sequence past the last character in the message raises the exception. (This is more efficient than applying Cf_seq.sentinel to the result.)
val to_seq : ?x:exn -> t -> char Cf_seq.t
Use to_seq m to obtain the sequence of characters in message m. The message is immediately normalized with normalize m. If ?x is provided then evaluating the sequence past the last character in the message raises the exception. (This is more efficient than applying Cf_seq.sentinel to the result.)
val to_function : ?x:exn -> t -> unit -> char
to_function m returns a function that returns successive characters from the message m each time it is called, until it raises x when there are no more characters. If x is not provided, then End_of_file is raised.