Module Cf_stdtime

module Cf_stdtime: sig .. end
Conversions between Standard Time, UTC and TAI.


This module contains a type for representing values of standard time, defined as a reference from Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). It also provides functions for converting values of standard time to and from TAI64 values (see Cf_tai64).

Note: no facility is yet provided here for manipulating time with associated timezone attributes. Converting arbitrary values of UTC time to and from local time is tricky, since daylight savings time rules vary greatly from locality to locality and also over time.

Warning! The International Earth Rotation and Reference System Service determines whether and when to insert or delete leap seconds into the UTC timescale. These announcements are made every six months in an IERS bulletin. The current implementation contains a hard-coded table of leap seconds that was accurate at least until Jan 1, 2007.


type t = {
   year : int; (*-2937947 .. 2941664, 1 BC == 0*)
   month : int; (*january=1 .. december=12*)
   day : int; (*1 .. 31*)
   hour : int; (*0 .. 23*)
   minute : int; (*0 .. 59*)
   second : int; (*0 .. 60, 60=leap second*)
A record with field for each component of a standard time value.


val utc_of_tai64 : ?wday:int Pervasives.ref ->
?yday:int Pervasives.ref -> Cf_tai64.t -> t
Convert from TAI64 to UTC time. Use utc_of_tai64 ~wday ~yday tai to obtain a UTC standard time record corresponding to the TAI time index tai. Optionally, if ~wday and/or ~yday are provided, this function stores the day of the week (0=sunday,6=saturday) in wday and the day of year (1..366) in yday.
val utc_to_tai64 : year:int ->
month:int -> day:int -> hour:int -> minute:int -> second:int -> Cf_tai64.t
Convert from UTC time to TAI64. Use utc ~year ~month ~day ~hour ~minute ~sec to obtain a TAI64 value corresponding to the UTC standard time specified by the ~year ~month ~day ~hour ~minute ~sec arguments. Raises Invalid_argument if the time specified is not a valid UTC time value.
val utc_to_tai64_unsafe : year:int ->
month:int -> day:int -> hour:int -> minute:int -> second:int -> Cf_tai64.t
This is the same as utc_to_tai64, except it assumes the input is a valid UTC time value. If it isn't, then the result is undefined.