Module Cf_journal

module Cf_journal: sig .. end
Diagnostic event journaling.


This module implements a lightweight foundation for diagnostic event journaling, similar to the core Java classes in the Log4j project from the Apache Foundation.

The core interface is functorial, and is intended for extensibility. An additional interface is provided for simplicity of use in the common case of journaling diagnostic messages to Pervasives.out_channel objects, e.g stdout and stderr.

Functorial Interface

The type of the module produced the Create(P: Cf_ordered.Total_T) functor defined below.
module type T = sig .. end
module Create: 
functor (P : Cf_ordered.Total_T) -> T with module Priority = P
A functor that produces a module of type T that defines extensible diagnostic event journaling with messages prioritized by codes in the total order defined by the module P.

Basic Interface

module Basic: sig .. end
A module defining basic diagnostic event journaling with a simple set of priority levels associated to integer priority codes.
class [[> Basic.level ]] basic_prioritizer : object .. end
The basic prioritizer class, defining the priority codes and message tags for all of the basic priority levels: `Invalid, `Fail, `Error, `Warn, `Info and `Debug.
class [[> Basic.level ] #Basic.event] basic_channel_archiver : Pervasives.out_channel -> object .. end
The basic channel archiver.
class virtual [[> Basic.level ] #Basic.event
: ([> Basic.level ] as 'a) #basic_prioritizer -> 'a -> ('a #Basic.event #Basic.archiver as 'b) list -> object .. end
The basic journaling agent.
type t = Basic.level Basic.event Basic.archiver
The type of the most basic agent, used for stdout and stderr below.
val stdout : t
A basic agent, initially set with a limit of `Notice, and with with one basic archiver for the Pervasives.stdout channel.
val stderr : t
A basic agent, initially set with a limit of `Notice, and with with one basic archiver for the Pervasives.stderr channel.