Functor Cf_journal.Create

module Create: 
functor (P : Cf_ordered.Total_T) -> T with module Priority = P
A functor that produces a module of type T that defines extensible diagnostic event journaling with messages prioritized by codes in the total order defined by the module P.
P : Cf_ordered.Total_T

module Priority: Cf_ordered.Total_T 
The module used to define the total order of priority levels.
class virtual ['level] prioritizer : object .. end
The base class for prioritizers.
class ['level] event : 'level #prioritizer -> 'level -> string -> object .. end
The minimal class of diagnostic events.
class virtual ['level #event] archiver : object .. end
The base class for event archivers.
class virtual ['level #event #archiver] agent : 'level #prioritizer -> 'level -> ('level #event #archiver as 'a) list -> object .. end
The base class for journaling agents.