( !* ) [Cf_lex.Expr_Op_T] |
Star composition.
( !* ) [Cf_dfa.T.Expr_Op_T] |
!*a to compose an expression that matches zero or more
occurances of a in the symbol stream.
( ?* ) [Cf_parser.Op] |
The zero-or-more operator.
(!$) [Cf_lex.Expr_Op_T] |
Regular expression string.
(!+) [Cf_lex.Expr_Op_T] |
Plus composition.
(!+) [Cf_dfa.T.Expr_Op_T] |
!+a to compose an expression that matches one or more
occurances of a in the symbol stream.
(!:) [Cf_lex.Expr_Op_T] |
Character literal.
(!:) [Cf_dfa.T.Expr_Op_T] |
!:sym to compose an expression that matches the symbol sym
in the symbol stream.
(!?) [Cf_lex.Expr_Op_T] |
Optional composition.
(!?) [Cf_dfa.T.Expr_Op_T] |
!?a to compose an expression that matches zero or one
occurance of a in the symbol stream.
(!@) [Cf_lex.X.Op] |
Rule aggregation.
(!@) [Cf_lex.Op] |
Rule aggregation.
(!@) [Cf_dfa.T.X.Op_T] |
Use this operator to combine a list of "cursor woven" rules
into a single rule.
(!@) [Cf_dfa.T.Op_T] |
Use this operator to combine a list of rules into a single rule.
(!^) [Cf_lex.Expr_Op_T] |
Character set.
(!^) [Cf_dfa.T.Expr_Op_T] |
!^f to compose an expression that matches any symbol in the
symbol stream for which applying the function f returns true .
(!~) [Cf_lex.Expr_Op_T] |
Regular expression sequence.
(!~) [Cf_dfa.T.Expr_Op_T] |
!~z to compose an expression that matches the sequence of
symbols z in the symbol stream.
($&) [Cf_lex.Expr_Op_T] |
Serial composition.
($&) [Cf_dfa.T.Expr_Op_T] |
a $& b to compose an expression that matches a followed by
b in the symbol stream.
($=) [Cf_lex.X.Op] |
Literal token rule.
($=) [Cf_lex.Op] |
Literal token rule.
($=) [Cf_dfa.T.X.Op_T] |
e $= x to compose a rule that produces x when the
symbols in the symbol stream match the expression e .
($=) [Cf_dfa.T.Op_T] |
e $= x to compose a rule that produces x when the symbols
in the symbol stream match the expression e .
($>) [Cf_lex.X.Op] |
String token rule.
($>) [Cf_lex.Op] |
String token rule.
($>) [Cf_dfa.T.X.Op_T] |
e $> f to compose a rule that applies the tokenizer
function f to the sequence of input symbols in the
symbol/cursor stream recognized by the expression e to
produce an output token.
($>) [Cf_dfa.T.Op_T] |
e $> f to compose a rule that applies the tokenizer function
f to the sequence of input symbols in the stream recognized by
the expression e to produce an output token.
($@) [Cf_lex.X.Op] |
Advanced token rule.
($@) [Cf_lex.Op] |
Advanced token rule.
($@) [Cf_dfa.T.X.Op_T] |
e $@ f to compose a rule that applies the scanning
function f to the symbol/cursor input stream when the symbol
sequence is recognized by the expression e .
($@) [Cf_dfa.T.Op_T] |
e $@ f to compose a rule that applies the scanning function
f to the input stream when it is recognized by the expression
e .
($|) [Cf_lex.Expr_Op_T] |
Alternating composition.
($|) [Cf_dfa.T.Expr_Op_T] |
a $| b to compose an expression that matches either a or
b in the symbol stream.
(%=) [Cf_parser.Op] |
The serial composition operator.
(-&-) [Cf_flow.Op] |
Sequential composition.
(-*-) [Cf_flow.Op] |
Broadcasting parallel composition.
(-+-) [Cf_flow.Op] |
Tagged parallel composition.
(-=-) [Cf_flow.Op] |
Serial composition.
(-@-) [Cf_flow.Op] |
Serial loop through right.
(>>=) [Cf_parser.Op] |
The binding operator.
(>>=) [Cf_scmonad.Op] |
m >>= f to produce a monad that applies f to the result of
evaluating m .
(>>=) [Cf_cmonad.Op] |
m >>= f to produce a monad that applies f to the result of
evaluating m .
(>>=) [Cf_smonad.Op] |
m >>= f to produce a monad that applies f to the result of
evaluating m .
(~:) [Cf_parser.Op] |
The return operator.
(~@) [Cf_flow.Op] |
Serial loop composition.
(~@<) [Cf_flow.Op] |
Serial loop left.
? [Cf_parser.Op] |
The unit operator.
?$ [Cf_lex.X.Op] |
String parser.
?$ [Cf_lex.Op] |
String parser.
?+ [Cf_parser.Op] |
The one-or-more operator.
?/ [Cf_parser.Op] |
The option operator.
?: [Cf_parser.Op] |
The unit operator with a cursor.
?~ [Cf_lex.X.Op] |
String parser.
?~ [Cf_lex.Op] |
String parser.
A | |
abort [Cf_state_gadget] |
abort to abort processing and return to the scheduler.
abort [Cf_gadget] |
abort to abort gadgeting and return to the scheduler.
accumulate [Cf_seq.SC] |
accumulate z to compose a monad that binds all of the monads in
the sequence z in the order specified, accumulating all of the values
returned into a list.
accumulate [Cf_seq.C] |
accumulate z to compose a monad that binds all of the monads in
the sequence z in the order specified, accumulating all of the values
returned into a list.
accumulate [Cf_seq.S] |
accumulate z to compose a monad that binds all of the monads in
the sequence z in the order specified, accumulating all of the values
returned into a list.
add [Cf_tai64n] |
Add seconds to a TAI64N value.
add [Cf_tai64] |
Add seconds to a TAI64 value.
add_int32 [Cf_tai64] |
Add seconds to a TAI64 value.
add_int64 [Cf_tai64] |
Add seconds to a TAI64 value.
alt [Cf_parser] |
alt plist to create a parser that produces the output from the first
parser in the list plist that recognizes a pattern in the input.
altz [Cf_parser] |
altz pseq to create a parser that produces the output from the first
parser in the lazy sequence pseq that recognizes a pattern in the input.
any_utf_to_ucs4 [Cf_unicode] |
A flow that transcodes any Unicode encoded character stream into a stream
of 31-bit UCS4 integer codes.
atomic [Cf_unicode.Transcoding_T] |
atomic str to convert a string in the input encoding into a
string in the output encoding.
B | |
broadcast [Cf_flow] |
broadcast ws to construct a stream processor that combines the input
and output of every stream processor in the list ws by first rendering
all the output from each stream in turn, then ingesting all the input to
each stream in turn, until all streams are completed.
C | |
catenate [Cf_deque] | catenate d1 d2 returns a new deque composed by joining the right end of
d1 to the left end of d2 .
clear [Cf_set.T] |
clear e s to obtain a new set produced by deleting the element
in the set s ordinally equal to the element e .
cmp [Cf_seq] | cmp a b is the same as fcmp Pervasives.compare a b .
combine [Cf_seq] | combine a b returns the sequence composed of the pairs of elements
produced by combining each element from a and the corresponding element
from b in a pair (a, b) until all the elements from one or both
sequences are exhausted.
commute [Cf_flow] |
commute w z to produce an output sequence from a flow w that
ingests its input from the sequence z .
commute_string [Cf_flow] |
commute_string w s to commute the sequence of characters in the string
s with the flow w and compose a new string from the resulting sequence.
compare [Cf_set.T] |
compare s1 s2 to compare the sequence of elements in the set
s1 and the sequence of elements in the set s2 in order of
increasing ordinality.
compare [Cf_tai64n] |
A total ordering function, defined so that the
Cf_tai64n module has the
signature of the Cf_ordered.Total_T module type.
compare [Cf_tai64] |
A total ordering function, defined so that the
Cf_tai64 module has the
signature of the Cf_ordered.Total_T module type.
compare [Cf_ordered.Total_T] | compare a b compares the total ordering of a and b , and it
returns zero if the two values are of equal total order, a negative
integer if a follows b , and a positive integer if a precedes
b in the total ordering.
compose [Cf_tai64n] |
compose s ns to compose a TAI64N value from a TAI64 value s and an
offset of ns nanoseconds.
concat [Cf_seq] | concat a b returns the sequence of all the elements in a followed by
all the elements in b .
connect [Cf_gadget] |
connect m to construct a new matching pair of rx and tx objects
from the wire returned by m .
connectpair [Cf_gadget] |
connectpair m to construct a new duplex communication channel,
composed with the wire pair returned by m .
constrain [Cf_seq] | constrain f s evaluates the sequence s by applying f to each element
while the result is true .
constrain2 [Cf_seq] | constrain2 f a b is like constrain f s , except it operates on a pair of
sequences simultaneously, until one or both sequences reaches its end or
the constrain returns false .
cont [Cf_scmonad] |
cont f to produce a monad that passes the calling continuation to
the function f and returns the unit value as an intermediate result.
cont [Cf_cmonad] |
cont f to produce a monad that passes the calling continuation to
the function f and returns the unit value as an intermediate result.
contents [Cf_message] |
contents m to create a new string containing the entire text of the
message m .
copy [Cf_message] |
copy m to create a new message with a deep copy of the contents of
m , i.e.
counter_zero [Cf_lex] |
The initial value of a cursor position counter.
create [Cf_lex.X] |
create r to compose a lexical analyzer from the rule r .
create [Cf_lex] |
create r to compose a lexical analyzer from the rule r .
create [Cf_dfa.T.X] |
create r to construct a parser that recognizes the longest
sequence that matches the rule r .
create [Cf_dfa.T] |
create r to construct a parser that recognizes the longest
sequence that matches the rule r .
create [Cf_message] |
create s to obtain a new message composed of a flattened message
containing the string s .
create [Cf_gadget] |
create f to create a duplex channel, and apply f to the resulting
pad to obtain the initial state of a machine.
createM [Cf_gadget] |
createM f to create a duplex channel, and apply f to the resulting
pad to obtain a continuation monad that evaluates to the initial state of
a machine.
cscanf [Cf_scan_parser] |
This is the primitive function in the module.
D | |
decompose [Cf_tai64n] |
decompose x to separate the TAI64N value x into a TAI64 value and
an offset in nanoseconds.
delete [Cf_map.T] |
delete k m to obtain a new tree produced by deleting the key k
from the tree m .
diff [Cf_set.T] |
diff s1 s2 to obtain a new set from the difference of the sets
s1 and s2 .
dncase [Cf_flow] |
A stream processor that converts lowercase US-ASCII characters into
uppercase characters.
down [Cf_scmonad] |
down m s to produce a stateless continuation monad from a
state-continuation monad and an initial state.
drain [Cf_message] |
drain q to convert the entire substring deque q into a message.
drain [Cf_flow] |
drain w to produce an output sequence comprised of all the values
output from the stream processor w until the first input is required.
drain_seq [Cf_message] |
drain_seq q to convert the substring deque q into a character
duplex [Cf_state_gadget] |
duplex to construct a new duplex communication channel, composed of
two wires each in opposite flow.
duplex [Cf_gadget] |
duplex to construct a new duplex communication channel, composed of
two wires each in opposite flow.
E | |
empty [Cf_set.T] |
empty s to test whether the set s is the empty set.
empty [Cf_map.T] |
empty m to test whether the tree m is empty.
empty [Cf_pqueue.T] |
empty q to test whether the priority queue q is empty.
empty [Cf_heap.T] |
empty h to test whether the heap h is empty.
empty [Cf_deque] |
true if the deque is the empty deque.
equal [Cf_seq] | equal a b returns true , if every element in both sequences a and b
are logically equivalent, as with the built-in (=) comparison operator.
err [Cf_parser.X] |
err ?f () to compose parser that applies the input token stream
to the optional function f to obtain an Objective Caml exception,
then raises the exception.
err [Cf_parser] |
err ?f () to compose parser that applies the input token stream to
the optional function f to obtain an Objective Caml exception, then
raises the exception.
eval [Cf_state_gadget] |
eval y s to obtain a new flow by evaluating the gadget monad y with
a state initializer of a .
eval [Cf_gadget] |
eval y to obtain a new flow by evaluating the gadget monad y .
eval [Cf_cmonad] |
eval m to evaluate the continuation monad to produce a function from
initial continuation context to final continuation context.
evalC [Cf_flow] |
evalC m to evaluate the continuation monad m , computing the
encapsulated flow.
evalC [Cf_seq] |
evalC m to evaluate the continuation monad m to compute the
sequence it encapsulates.
evalSC [Cf_flow] |
evalSC m s to evaluate the state-continuation monad m with the
initial state s , computing the encapsulated flow.
evalSC [Cf_seq] |
evalSC m s to evaluate the state-continuation monad m with the
initial state s , computing the encapsulated sequence.
expr_of_seq [Cf_regex] |
expr_of_seq z to evaluate the character sequence z as a regular
expression and produce the corresponding DFA expression.
expr_of_string [Cf_regex] |
expr_of_string s to evaluate the string s as a regular expression
and produce the corresponding DFA expression.
expr_parse [Cf_regex] |
A parser combinator on character streams that recognizes a regular
expression and produces a DFA expression for it.
extract [Cf_map.T] |
extract k m to obtain the value associated with the key k in
the tree m and a new tree with the key deleted from the tree.
F | |
fcmp [Cf_seq] | fcmp f a b compares two sequences by applying f to the elements of
each sequence in turn until the result is non-zero, or the end of one
or both sequences is reached.
field [Cf_scmonad] |
field f to produce a monad that returns the result of applying f to
the value of the encapsulated state.
field [Cf_smonad] |
field f to produce a monad that returns the result of applying f to
the value of the encapsulated state.
filter [Cf_parser] |
filter f p to produce a parser that applies f to each output symbol
of p and ignores all those for which the result is false .
filter [Cf_set.T] |
filter f s to produce a new set comprised of all the elements of
the set s that satisfy the filtering function f , applying the
elements in an arbitrary order (not increasing or decreasing).
filter [Cf_map.T] |
filter f m to obtain a new tree comprised of all the key-value
pairs in the tree m that satisfy the filtering function f .
filter [Cf_pqueue.T] |
filter f q to apply f to each element in the priority queue q
in an arbitrary order (not to top bottom), and produce a new heap that
contains only those elements for which f pair returned true .
filter [Cf_heap.T] |
filter f h to apply f to each element in the heap h in an
arbitrary order (not to top bottom), and produce a new heap that
contains only those elements for which f pair returned true .
filter [Cf_flow] |
filter f to construct a stream processor that applies f to every
input value and outputs only those for which the function result is true .
filter [Cf_deque] | filter f d returns a new deque composed by applying f to every element
in d , including only those elements for which the result is true .
filter [Cf_seq] | filter f s returns the sequence produced by applying f to every element
of s and taking all the elements for which the result is true .
filter2 [Cf_seq] | filter2 f a b is like filter f s , except it operates on a pair of
sequences simultaneously, until one or both sequences reaches its end.
fin [Cf_parser] |
A parser that produces the unit value when it recognizes the end of the
input token sequence.
first [Cf_seq] | first s returns the sequence of elements composed by taking only the
first object in an element pair.
first [Cf_tai64n] |
The earliest TAI epoch representable in the TAI64N format.
first [Cf_tai64] |
The earliest TAI epoch representable in the TAI64 format.
flatten [Cf_message] |
flatten m to reduce a message list of two or more substrings to a
single substring.
flatten [Cf_seq] | flatten a returns the sequence of all the elements in the sequence of
sequences by concatenating them.
flush [Cf_flow] |
flush w to discard all the output from the flow w until the first
input is required.
fold [Cf_set.T] |
fold f a s to fold the elements of the set s into the folding
function f with the initial state a , by applying the elements in
an arbitrary order (not increasing or decreasing).
fold [Cf_map.T] |
fold f s m to fold the every key-value pair in the tree m into
the state s with the folding function f , visiting the elements in
an arbitrary order (not increasing or decreasing).
fold [Cf_pqueue.T] |
fold f s q to produce the result of folding a value s into
the elements of priority queue q with the folding function f in an
arbitrary order (not top to bottom).
fold [Cf_heap.T] |
fold f s h to produce the result of folding a value s into
the elements of heap h with the folding function f in an arbitrary
order (not top to bottom).
fold [Cf_deque.Direction_T] | fold f a0 d is f (... (f (f a0 e0) e1) ...) en when e0..en are
the elements of the deque d .
fold [Cf_seq] | fold f a s is like List.fold_left and is the result of applying f to
the elements in sequence, i.e.
fold2 [Cf_seq] | fold2 f a s1 s2 is like fold f a s , except it operates on a pair of
sequences simultaneously, until one or both sequences reaches its end.
G | |
get [Cf_dfa.Symbol_T] |
The engine uses
get m s to get the state transition from map m for
the symbol s .
guard [Cf_state_gadget] |
guard m to receive the next message guarded by m .
guard [Cf_gadget] |
guard m to receive the next message guarded by m .
H | |
head [Cf_pqueue.T] |
head q to obtain the element on the top of the priority queue
q .
head [Cf_heap.T] |
head h to obtain the element on the top of the heap h .
head [Cf_deque.Direction_T] | head d returns the element at the end of the deque d .
head [Cf_seq] |
Returns the first element in the sequence.
I | |
ingestor [Cf_flow] |
A stream processor that copies to its output every element of its input
init [Cf_scmonad] |
init x to produce a monad that discards the current intermediate
result and returns x as the continuation context.
init [Cf_cmonad] |
init x to produce a monad that discards the current intermediate
result and returns x as the continuation context.
insert [Cf_message] |
insert ~pos ~m m1 to return a new message with all the text in
message m inserted into the message m1 at the position pos .
insert [Cf_map.T] |
insert p m to insert the key-value pair p into the tree m ,
producing a new tree with the inserted element and, if the key k is
already present in m , the value replaced by the insertion.
intersect [Cf_set.T] |
interset s1 s2 to obtain a new set from the intersection of the
sets s1 and s2 .
is_valid [Cf_gregorian] | is_valid ~year ~month ~day returns true if year , month and day
arguments specify a valid Gregorian date.
iterate [Cf_set.T] |
iterate f s to apply the iterator function f to every element
in the set s in arbitrary order (not increasing or decreasing).
iterate [Cf_map.T] |
iterate f m to apply the function f to each key-value pair in
the tree m in an arbitrary order (not increasing or decreasing).
iterate [Cf_pqueue.T] |
iterate f q to apply f to every element in the priority queue
q in an arbitrary order (not top to bottom).
iterate [Cf_heap.T] |
iterate f h to apply f to every element in the heap h in an
arbitrary order (not top to bottom).
iterate [Cf_deque] | iterate f d applies f to every element in d in left-to-right
iterate [Cf_seq] | iterate f s evaluates the entire sequence s , applying f to each
element in order until the end of the sequence is reached.
iterate2 [Cf_seq] | iterate2 f a b is like iterate f s , except it operates on a pair of
sequences simultaneously, until one or both sequences reaches its end.
L | |
last [Cf_flow.Transcode] |
last w z to produce the final sequence of output values obtained
by executing the transcoder stream processor w after ingesting the
"end of input" indication.
last [Cf_tai64n] |
The latest TAI epoch representable in the TAI64N format.
last [Cf_tai64] |
The latest TAI epoch representable in the TAI64 format.
length [Cf_message] |
length m to compute the length of the message m .
length [Cf_deque] | length d computes the number elements contained in the deque d .
length [Cf_seq] |
Evaluates the entire sequence and returns the number elements.
lift [Cf_scmonad] |
lift m to lift a stateless continuation monad into a
state-continuation monad.
limit [Cf_seq] | limit n s returns the sequence of all the elements in s , up to n
elements in number and no more.
listmap [Cf_flow] |
listmap f to construct a stream processor that applies f to every
input value and outputs every element of the resulting list.
listmap [Cf_deque] | listmap f d returns a new deque composed by applying f to every element
in d in left-to-right order, taking all the resulting lists of
elements in order.
listmap [Cf_seq] | listmap f s returns the sequence produced by applying f to every
element of s and taking all the resulting lists of elements in order.
listmap2 [Cf_seq] | listmap2 f a b is like listmap f s , except it operates on a pair of
sequences simultaneously, until one or both sequences reaches its end.
lit [Cf_parser.X] |
lit s obj to obtain a parser on character input sequences that
produces the output obj when it recognizes the literal s in the
lit [Cf_parser] |
lit s obj to obtain a parser on character input sequences that
produces the output obj when it recognizes the literal s in the input.
load [Cf_state_gadget] |
load to get the current state encapsulated in the process.
load [Cf_scmonad] |
A monad that returns the encapsulate state as an intermediate result.
load [Cf_smonad] |
A monad that returns the encapsulate state.
M | |
machine [Cf_flow] |
machine f s with an initial state value s and a folding function
f to construct a stream processor that folds the state into every input
value to produce either a sequence of values to output and a new state or
the end of stream processing.
map [Cf_dfa.Symbol_T] |
The engine uses
map f to construct a map from symbols to state
map [Cf_parser] |
map f p to produce a parser that transforms each output symbol of p
by applying f to its value.
map [Cf_map.T] |
map f m to obtain a new tree produced by applying the mapping
function f to the key and the value of each key-value pair in the
tree m and associating the resulting value to the key in the new
map [Cf_pqueue.T] |
map f q to obtain a new heap by applying the mapping function f
to the key and the value of every element in the priority queue q to
obtain a mapped element with the same key and a new value.
map [Cf_flow] |
map f to construct a stream processor that applies f to every input
value and outputs the result.
map [Cf_deque] | map f d returns a new deque composed by applying f to every element in
d in left-to-right order.
map [Cf_seq] | map f s returns the sequence produced by transforming every element in
s by applying it to f .
map2 [Cf_seq] | map2 f a b is like map f s , except it operates on a pair of
sequences simultaneously, until one or both sequences reaches its end.
mapstate [Cf_flow] |
mapstate f s with an initial state value s and a folding function
f to construct a stream processor that folds the state into every input
value to produce an output value and a new state.
max [Cf_set.T] |
min s to return the ordinally greatest element in the set s .
max [Cf_map.T] |
max m to obtain the key-value pair with the ordinally maximum key
in the tree m .
member [Cf_set.T] |
member e s to test whether the element e is a member of the set
s .
member [Cf_map.T] |
member k m to test whether the tree m contains the key k .
merge [Cf_pqueue.T] |
merge q1 q2 to obtain a new priority queue that is the result of
merging all the elements of q1 and q2 into a single heap.
merge [Cf_heap.T] |
merge h1 h2 to obtain a new heap that is the result of merging
all the elements of h1 and h2 into a single heap.
min [Cf_set.T] |
min s to return the ordinally least element in the set s .
min [Cf_map.T] |
min m to obtain the key-value pair with the ordinally minimum key
in the tree m .
modify [Cf_state_gadget] |
Bind the result of
modify f to apply f to the current encapsulated
state of the process and store the resulting new state.
modify [Cf_map.T] |
modify k f m to obtain a new tree produced by replacing the value
in the tree m associated with the key k with the result of applying
it to the continuation function f .
modify [Cf_scmonad] |
modify f to produce a monad that applies f to the encapsulated
state to obtain a new state value, and which returns the unit value as its
intermediate result.
modify [Cf_smonad] |
modify f to produce a monad that applies f to the encapsulated
state to obtain a new state value, and which returns the unit value as its
result when evaluated.
more [Cf_flow.Transcode] |
more w z to produce an intermediate sequence of output values
obtained by executing the transcoder stream processor w to ingest all
the elements of the sequence z .
N | |
nearest_decr [Cf_set.T] |
nearest_decr k s to obtain the key-value pair ordinally less than
or equal to the key k in the set s .
nearest_decr [Cf_map.T] |
nearest_decr k m to obtain the key-value pair ordinally less than
or equal to the key k in the map m .
nearest_incr [Cf_set.T] |
nearest_incr k s to obtain the element ordinally greater
than or equal to the key k in the set s .
nearest_incr [Cf_map.T] |
nearest_incr k m to obtain the key-value pair ordinally greater
than or equal to the key k in the map m .
nil [Cf_lex] |
Epsilon, i.e.
nil [Cf_dfa.T] |
The expression that matches the empty symbol sequence.
nil [Cf_parser] |
A parser that never recognizes any input, i.e.
nil [Cf_set.T] |
The empty set.
nil [Cf_map.T] |
The empty tree.
nil [Cf_pqueue.T] |
The empty priority queue.
nil [Cf_heap.T] |
The empty heap.
nil [Cf_flow] |
A stream processor that reads no input and writes no output.
nil [Cf_deque] |
The empty deque.
nil [Cf_seq] |
An empty sequence.
nil [Cf_scmonad] |
A monad that returns
unit and performs no operation.
nil [Cf_cmonad] |
A monad that returns
unit and performs no operation.
nil [Cf_smonad] |
A monad that returns
unit and performs no operation.
nop [Cf_flow] |
A stream processor that outputs every input value without change.
normalize [Cf_message] |
normalize m to discard empty substrings from the list.
now [Cf_tai64n] |
Returns the current time in TAI64N, obtained by reading the current time
from the POSIX
gettimeofday() function, and adjusting for leap
now [Cf_tai64] |
Returns the current time in TAI64, obtained by reading the current time
from the POSIX
time() function, and adjusting for leap seconds.
null [Cf_state_gadget] |
null to construct a rx object that produces gates that never
receive any messages, and a tx object that discards every message
transmitted without deliver it.
null [Cf_gadget] |
null to construct a wire that discards every message transmitted
without ever delivering it.
O | |
of_array [Cf_seq] | of_array v is like of_string s , except that it operates on an
'a array value instead of a string value.
of_channel [Cf_seq] | of_channel c returns the sequence of characters produced by reading them
on demand from the channel c .
of_cjd [Cf_gregorian] | of_cjd ?wday ?yday cjd returns a 3-tuple (year, month, day) with the
year, month and day of the corresponding Gregorian date represented in
integer form.
of_expression [Cf_regex] |
of_expression x to produce a regular expression from the DFA
expression x .
of_extended [Cf_parser] |
of_extended c p to convert the parser p that requires position
information in the input stream into a parser that assumes the input begins
at the position of the cursor c .
of_function [Cf_seq] | of_function f returns a sequence produced by applying f () repeatedly
until Not_found is raised.
of_label [Cf_tai64n] |
Interprets the argument as a TAI64N label and returns the corresponding
TAI64N value.
of_label [Cf_tai64] |
Interprets the argument as a TAI64 label and returns the corresponding
TAI64 value.
of_list [Cf_set.T] |
of_list s to iterate a list of elements and compose a new set by
inserting them in order.
of_list [Cf_map.T] |
of_list s to compose a tree by iterating the list of key-value
pairs s and inserting them in order into a new tree.
of_list [Cf_pqueue.T] |
of_list s to construct a priority queue from a list of elements.
of_list [Cf_heap.T] |
of_list s to construct a heap from a list of elements.
of_list [Cf_deque.Direction_T] |
of_list s to construct a deque from a list of elements.
of_list [Cf_seq] | of_list s converts a 'a list value into a sequence.
of_list_decr [Cf_set.T] |
of_list_decr s to compose the set with elements in the ordered
list s .
of_list_decr [Cf_map.T] |
of_list_decr s to compose a tree with the key-value pairs in the
ordered list s .
of_list_incr [Cf_set.T] |
of_list_incr s to compose the set with elements in the ordered
list s .
of_list_incr [Cf_map.T] |
of_list_incr s to compose a tree with the key-value pairs in the
ordered list s .
of_seq [Cf_regex] |
of_seq z to ingest the whole character sequence z , parse it and
produce a regular expression.
of_seq [Cf_set.T] |
of_seq z to evaluate a sequence of elements and compose a new set
by inserting them in order.
of_seq [Cf_map.T] |
of_seq z to compose a tree by evaluating the entire sequence of
key-value pairs z and inserting them in order into a new tree.
of_seq [Cf_pqueue.T] |
of_seq z to construct a priority queue from a sequence of
of_seq [Cf_heap.T] |
of_seq z to construct a heap from a sequence of elements.
of_seq [Cf_flow] |
of_seq z to convert a sequence into the equivalent stream processor
(which never ingests any input).
of_seq [Cf_deque.Direction_T] |
of_seq z to construct a deque from a sequence of elements.
of_seq_decr [Cf_set.T] |
of_seq_decr z to compose the set with elements in the ordered
sequence z .
of_seq_decr [Cf_map.T] |
of_seq_decr z to compose a tree with the key-value pairs in the
ordered sequence z .
of_seq_incr [Cf_set.T] |
of_seq_incr z to compose the set with elements in the ordered
sequence z .
of_seq_incr [Cf_map.T] |
of_seq_incr z to compose a tree with the key-value pairs in the
ordered sequence z .
of_string [Cf_regex] |
of_string s to produce a regular expression from the string s .
of_string [Cf_seq] | of_string s returns the sequence of characters produced by extracting
them on demand from the string s with String.unsafe_get .
of_subarray [Cf_seq] | of_subarray v pos is like of_substring s pos , except that it operates
on an 'a array value instead of a string value.
of_substring [Cf_seq] | of_substring s pos returns the sequence of characters produced by
extracting them on demand from the string s with String.unsafe_get .
of_ucs4 [Cf_unicode.Encoding_T] |
A flow that reads a stream of 31-bit UCS4 integer codes and writes
them as a stream of encoded characters.
of_unix_time [Cf_tai64n] |
Converts a value consistent with the result of calling the
Unix.gettimeofday function into a TAI64N value.
of_unix_time [Cf_tai64] |
Converts a value consistent with the result of calling the
function into a TAI64 value.
optmap [Cf_parser] |
optmap f p to produce a parser that transforms each output symbol of
p by applying f to its value and ignoring all those for which the
result is None .
optmap [Cf_map.T] |
optmap f m to obtain a new tree produced by applying the mapping
function f to the key and the value of each key-value pair in the
tree m and associating the resulting value to the key in the new
optmap [Cf_pqueue.T] |
optmap f q to obtain a new heap by applying the mapping function
f to the key and the value of every element in priority queue q to
obtain a mapped element with the same key and a new value.
optmap [Cf_flow] |
optmap f to construct a stream processor that applies f to every
input value and outputs the result if there is one.
optmap [Cf_deque] | optmap f d returns a new deque composed by applying f to every element
in d in left-to-right order, including only those elements of d
for which f returns Some value.
optmap [Cf_seq] | optmap f s returns the sequence produced by applying f to every element
of s and taking all the Some a results in order.
optmap2 [Cf_seq] | optmap2 f a b is like optmap f s , except it operates on a pair of
sequences simultaneously, until one or both sequences reaches its end.
P | |
parse [Cf_regex] |
parse r to produce a parser that matches the input stream to the
regular expression r and returns the corresponding string value.
parsex [Cf_regex] |
parse r to produce a parser that matches the input stream to the
regular expression r and returns the corresponding string value.
partition [Cf_set.T] |
partition f s to produce two new sets by applying the
partitioning function f to every element in the set s in an
arbitrary order (not increasing or decreasing).
partition [Cf_map.T] |
partition f m to obtain a pair of new trees produced by applying
the partitioning function f to all the elements in the tree m in an
arbitrary order (not increasing or descreasing).
partition [Cf_pqueue.T] |
partition f q to obtain a pair of new priority queues that are
the result of applying the partitioning function f to each element in
the queue q in an arbitrary order (not top to bottom).
partition [Cf_heap.T] |
partition f h to obtain a pair of new heaps that are the result
of applying the partitioning function f to each element in the heap
h in an arbitrary order (not top to bottom).
partition [Cf_deque] | partition f s returns two deques.
partition [Cf_seq] | partition f s returns two sequences.
pop [Cf_message] |
pop ~len q to pop a message of length no larger than len from the
B end of the substring deque q .
pop [Cf_pqueue.T] |
pop q to obtain the head and the tail of a priority queue q in
one operation.
pop [Cf_heap.T] |
pop h to obtain the head and the tail of a heap h in one
pop [Cf_deque.Direction_T] | pop d returns None if d is the empty deque, otherwise it returns
Some (x, d') where x is the element on the end of the deque, and
d' is the remainder of d with the element x removed.
predicate [Cf_set.T] |
predicate f s to test whether all the elements in the set s
satisfy the predicate function f , visiting the elements in an
arbitrary order (not increasing or decreasing) until f returns
false or all elements are tested.
predicate [Cf_map.T] |
predicate f m to test whether all the key-value pairs in the tree
m satisfy the predicate function f .
predicate [Cf_pqueue.T] |
predicate f q to test whether all the elements in priority queue
q satisfy the predicate function f .
predicate [Cf_heap.T] |
predicate f h to test whether all the elements in heap h
satisfy the predicate function f .
predicate [Cf_deque] | predicate f d returns true if the result of applying f to every
element in the deque d is true , or if d is the empty deque.
predicate [Cf_seq] | predicate f s evaluates as much of the sequence s as necessary to
determine that every element satisfy the predicate function f .
predicate2 [Cf_seq] | predicate2 f a b is like predicate f s , except it operates on a pair of
sequences simultaneously, until one or both sequences reaches its end.
push [Cf_message] |
push m q to push the message m into the A end of the substring
queue q .
push [Cf_deque.Direction_T] | push x d adds the element x to the end of the deque d .
put [Cf_set.T] |
put e s to obtain a new set produced by inserting the element e
into the set s .
put [Cf_pqueue.T] |
put e q to obtain a new priority queue that is the result of
inserting the element e into the queue q .
put [Cf_heap.T] |
put e h to obtain a new heap that is the result of inserting
the element e into the heap h .
Q | |
quote [Cf_regex] |
A character flow that quotes all the special characters in the input so
that the output may be used in a regular expression to match the input
R | |
read [Cf_state_gadget] |
read to get the next input value from the external stream.
read [Cf_gadget] |
read to get the next input value from the external stream.
readC [Cf_flow] |
The continuation monad that returns a value obtained from the flow produced
by its evaluation.
readSC [Cf_flow] |
The state-continuation monad that returns a value obtained from the flow
produced by its evaluation.
replace [Cf_map.T] |
replace p m to obtain a new tree produced by inserting the
key-value pair p into the tree m , replacing any existing pair
associated to the same key.
req [Cf_parser.X] |
req ?f p to create a parser that requires the input stream to
match the parser p or it will be passed to the parser err ?f ()
req [Cf_parser] |
req f p to create a parser that requires the input stream to match
the parser p or it will be passed to the parser err f instead.
return [Cf_scmonad] |
return a to produce a monad that returns a as an intermediate
result from the current continuation.
return [Cf_cmonad] |
return a to produce a monad that returns a as an intermediate
result from the current continuation.
return [Cf_smonad] |
return a to produce a monad that returns a when evaluated.
reverse [Cf_seq] | reverse s evaluates the entire sequence and composes a list of the
elements in reverse order.
S | |
sat [Cf_parser.X] |
sat f to create a parser that recognizes, shifts and reduces
input tokens for which the satisfier function f returns true .
sat [Cf_parser] |
sat f to create a parser that recognizes, shifts and reduces input
tokens for which the satisfier function f returns true .
scanf [Cf_scan_parser] |
scanf fmt rf to construct a lexical parser that scans the input text
according to the scanning format fmt and produces the value returned by
the return continuation.
scanfx [Cf_scan_parser] |
scanfx in place of scanf to construct a parser with a cursor weaved
into the input stream.
search [Cf_regex] |
search r z to search the character sequence z for a pattern that
matches the regular expression r .
search [Cf_map.T] |
search k m to obtain the value associated with the key k in the
tree m .
search [Cf_seq] | search f s evaluates the sequence s until the result of applying f is
true and returns the number of elements applied that resulted in a
false result.
second [Cf_seq] | second s returns the sequence of elements composed by taking only the
second object in an element pair.
sentinel [Cf_seq] | sentinel x s returns a sequence identical to s except that x is raised
by evaluating to the end.
separate [Cf_regex] |
separate r z to map the character sequence z into the sequence of
sequences found between matches for the regular expression r .
seqmap [Cf_flow] |
listmap f to construct a stream processor that applies f to every
input value and outputs every element of the resulting sequence.
seqmap [Cf_deque] | seqmap f d returns a new deque composed by applying f to every element
in d in left-to-right order, taking all the resulting sequences of
elements in order.
seqmap [Cf_seq] | seqmap f s returns the sequence produced by applying f to every element
of s and taking all the resulting sequences of elements in order.
seqmap2 [Cf_seq] | seqmap2 f a b is like seqmap f s , except it operates on a pair of
sequences simultaneously, until one or both sequences reaches its end.
sequence [Cf_seq.SC] |
sequence z to compose a monad that binds all of the monads in the
sequence z in the order specified.
sequence [Cf_seq.C] |
sequence z to compose a monad that binds all of the monads in the
sequence z in the order specified.
sequence [Cf_seq.S] |
sequence z to compose a monad that binds all of the monads in the
sequence z in the order specified.
shift [Cf_message] |
shift ~pos m to return a new message with all the text in message m
before the position pos removed.
shift [Cf_seq] | shift n s returns the sequence of all the elements in s after the first
n elements are discarded.
shiftq [Cf_message] |
shiftq ~len q to discard the first len octets from the B end of
the substring deque q .
simplex [Cf_state_gadget] |
simplex to construct a new maching pair of rx and tx objects.
simplex [Cf_gadget] |
simplex to construct a new matching pair of rx and tx objects.
singleton [Cf_set.T] |
singleton e to compose a new set containing only the element e .
size [Cf_set.T] |
size s to compute the size of the set s .
size [Cf_map.T] |
size m to count the number of elements in the tree m .
size [Cf_pqueue.T] |
size q to count the number of elements in the priority queue q .
size [Cf_heap.T] |
size h to count the number of elements in the heap h .
split [Cf_regex] |
split r s to produce a list of strings by searching s left to right
for blocks of characters between patterns that match the regular expression
r .
split [Cf_message] |
split ~pos m to return two new messages, the first containing all the
text in message m before the position pos , and the second containing
all the remaining text in message m .
split [Cf_seq] | split s is equivalent to (first s, second s) .
start [Cf_state_gadget] |
Bind the result of
start y s to start a new process evaluating the gadget
y with a state initializer s .
start [Cf_gadget] |
start y to start a new gadget evaluating the gadget y .
stderr [Cf_journal] |
A basic agent, initially set with a limit of
`Notice , and with with one
basic archiver for the Pervasives.stderr channel.
stdout [Cf_journal] |
A basic agent, initially set with a limit of
`Notice , and with with one
basic archiver for the Pervasives.stdout channel.
store [Cf_state_gadget] |
Bind the result of
store obj to store the state obj as the encapsulated
state for the current monad.
store [Cf_scmonad] |
store s to produce a monad with s as the value of its encapsulated
store [Cf_smonad] |
store s to produce a monad with s as the value of its encapsulated
sub [Cf_tai64n] |
Subtract one TAI64N value from another.
sub [Cf_tai64] |
Subtract one TAI64 value from another.
subset [Cf_set.T] |
subset s1 s2 to test whether the set s1 is a subset of s2 .
T | |
tail [Cf_pqueue.T] |
tail q to obtain the heap produced by discarding the element on
the top of the priority queue q .
tail [Cf_heap.T] |
tail h to obtain the heap produced by discarding the element on
the top of heap h .
tail [Cf_deque.Direction_T] | tail d is discards the element at the end of the deque d .
tail [Cf_seq] |
Discards the first element in the sequence and returns the sequence of
remaining elements.
test [Cf_regex] |
test r s to test whether the string s matches the regular
expression r .
to_array [Cf_seq] | to_array v is like to_string s , except that it constructs an 'a array
value instead of a string value.
to_buffer [Cf_seq] | to_buffer s b is like to_channel s c except that characters are output
to a Buffer object, instead of an out_channel object.
to_channel [Cf_seq] | to_channel s c evaluates the entire character sequence s and puts each
character produced into the out_channel object in a tail-recursive loop.
to_cjd [Cf_gregorian] | to_cjd ~year ~month ~day returns the Chronological Julian Day number of
the specified Gregorian date.
to_cjd_unsafe [Cf_gregorian] | to_cjd_unsafe ~year ~month ~day is the same as to_cjd ~year ~month
~day , except the parameters are not checked for boundaries and that the
date is a valid Gregorian date.
to_extended [Cf_parser] |
to_extended p to convert the parser p into an extended parser that
ignores the position information woven into the input stream.
to_function [Cf_message] | to_function m returns a function that returns successive characters from
the message m each time it is called, until it raises x when there are
no more characters.
to_function [Cf_seq] | to_function s returns a function that evaluates the next value in the
sequence each time it's called.
to_label [Cf_tai64n] |
Returns a string of 8 characters containing the TAI64N label corresponding
to the TAI64N value of its argument.
to_label [Cf_tai64] |
Returns a string of 8 characters containing the TAI64 label corresponding
to the TAI64 value of its argument.
to_list [Cf_deque.Direction_T] | to_list d returns the elements in the deque in the order they would
appear by successive calls of pop d .
to_list [Cf_seq] | to_list s is the same as List.rev (reverse s) .
to_list_decr [Cf_set.T] |
to_list_decr s to produce the list of elements in the set s
in order of decreasing ordinality.
to_list_decr [Cf_map.T] |
to_list_decr m to obtain a sequence of the key-value pairs in the
tree m in order of descreasing ordinality.
to_list_incr [Cf_set.T] |
to_list_incr s to produce the list of elements in the set s
in order of increasing ordinality.
to_list_incr [Cf_map.T] |
to_list_incr m to obtain a sequence of the key-value pairs in the
tree m in order of increasing ordinality.
to_seq [Cf_message] |
to_seq m to obtain the sequence of characters in message m .
to_seq [Cf_pqueue.T] |
to_seq q to produce a sequence of elements in top to bottom order
from the priority queue q .
to_seq [Cf_heap.T] |
to_seq h to produce a sequence of elements in top to bottom order
from the heap h .
to_seq [Cf_flow] |
to_seq w to convert a stream processor w into the equivalent
to_seq [Cf_deque.Direction_T] | to_seq d returns a lazily evaluated sequence of the elements in the
deque in the order they would appear by successive calls of pop d .
to_seq2 [Cf_pqueue.T] |
to_seq2 q to produce a sequence of elements from the priority
queue q , where the first element of each pair is a key-value pair
obtained from the head of the queue, and the second element of the
pair is the corresponding tail of the queue.
to_seq2 [Cf_heap.T] |
to_seq2 h to produce a sequence of elements from the heap h
where the first element of each pair is a key-value pair obtained from
the head of the heap, and the second element of the pair is the
corresponding tail of the heap.
to_seq2 [Cf_deque.Direction_T] | to_seq2 d returns a lazily evaluated sequence of the pairs (hd, tl)
obtained by successively calling of pop d .
to_seq_decr [Cf_set.T] |
to_seq_decr s to produce the sequence of elements in the set s
in order of decreasing ordinality.
to_seq_decr [Cf_map.T] |
to_seq_decr m to obtain a sequence of the key-value pairs in the
tree m in order of descreasing ordinality.
to_seq_incr [Cf_set.T] |
to_seq_incr s to produce the sequence of elements in the set s
in order of increasing ordinality.
to_seq_incr [Cf_map.T] |
to_seq_incr m to obtain a sequence of the key-value pairs in the
tree m in order of increasing ordinality.
to_string [Cf_seq] | to_string s evaluates the entire character sequence s and composes a
string value containing the characters in order.
to_subarray [Cf_seq] | to_subarray s v pos len is like to_substring s str pos len , except that
it overwrites an 'a array value instead of a string value.
to_substring [Cf_seq] | to_substring s str pos len overwrites the substring of str starting at
pos and running for len characters, with the first len characters
from the sequence s .
to_ucs4 [Cf_unicode.Encoding_T] |
A flow that transcodes an encoded character stream into a stream
of 31-bit UCS4 integer codes.
to_unix_time [Cf_tai64n] |
Converts a TAI64 value to a value consistent with the result of calling the
Unix.gettimeofday function.
to_unix_time [Cf_tai64] |
Converts a TAI64 value to a value consistent with the result of calling the
Unix.gettimeofday function.
tok [Cf_parser.X] |
tok f to recognize and shift input tokens for which the tokenizer
function f reduces an output value.
tok [Cf_parser] |
tok f to recognize and shift input tokens for which the tokenizer
function f reduces an output value.
transcode [Cf_unicode.Transcoding_T] |
transcode i to convert a sequence of characters in the input
encoding into a sequence of characters in the output encoding.
transcode [Cf_flow] |
transcode w z to produce the sequence of output values obtained by
executing the transcoder stream processor w to ingest every element of
the sequence z .
transcoder [Cf_unicode.Transcoding_T] |
A transcoder flow.
truncate [Cf_message] |
truncate ~pos m to return a new message containing all the text in
message m before the position pos .
U | |
ucs4_to_utf16 [Cf_unicode] |
ucs4_to_utf16 endian to compose a flow that reads a stream of 31-bit
UCS4 integer codes and writes a stream comprised of the barker code
followed by a stream of UTF16 characters in the 'endian' mode specified.
unfold [Cf_parser.X] |
unfold p i to create a sequence of output values recognized by
applying the input token sequence i to the parser p until no more
input is recognized.
unfold [Cf_parser] |
unfold p i to create a sequence of output values recognized by
applying the input token sequence i to the parser p until no more
input is recognized.
unfold [Cf_seq] | unfold f a returns the sequence composed of the results of applying f
according to the following rule: the first application of f is with a
as the argument; if the result is None then the empty sequence is
returned; else, the result is Some (hd, tl) and the sequence returned is
composed of an element hd followed by the sequence produced by looping
through applications of f tl until None is returned to signal the end
of the sequence.
unfold2 [Cf_seq] | unfold2 f a is like unfold f a above, except that the sequence returned
has elements which are pairs of output values and the input values that
correspond to them.
union [Cf_set.T] |
union s1 s2 to obtain a new set from the union of the sets s1
and s2 .
unquote [Cf_regex] |
A character flow that unquotes all the quoted special characters in the
input so that the output may by used in a regular expression to match the
specified pattern.
upcase [Cf_flow] |
A stream processor that converts uppercase US-ASCII characters into
lowercase characters.
utc_of_tai64 [Cf_stdtime] |
Convert from TAI64 to UTC time.
utc_to_tai64 [Cf_stdtime] |
Convert from UTC time to TAI64.
utc_to_tai64_unsafe [Cf_stdtime] |
This is the same as
utc_to_tai64 , except it assumes the input is a valid
UTC time value.
W | |
weave [Cf_parser.X] |
weave ~c i with an initial cursor c and an input sequence i
to create an input sequence with accompanying cursor.
wire [Cf_state_gadget] |
wire to return a new wire for carrying messages of type 'x .
wire [Cf_gadget] |
wire to return a new wire for carrying messages of type 'x .
wirepair [Cf_state_gadget] |
wirepair to return a pair of new wires for carrying messages of type
'x and 'y .
wirepair [Cf_gadget] |
wirepair to return a pair of new wires for carrying messages of type
'x and 'y .
wrap [Cf_state_gadget] |
wrap rx tx w to start a new process that wraps the flow w , so that
it reads output from the flow (copying it to tx object) and writes input
to the flow (copying it from the rx object).
wrap [Cf_gadget] |
wrap rx tx w to start a new gadget that wraps the flow w , so that
it reads output from the flow (copying it to tx object) and writes input
to the flow (copying it from the rx object).
write [Cf_state_gadget] |
Bind the result of
write obj to put the next output value into the
external stream.
write [Cf_gadget] |
Bind the result of
write obj to put the next output value into the
external stream.
writeC [Cf_flow] |
writeC x to compose a continuation monad that puts x into the
flow produced by evaluation and returns the unit value.
writeC [Cf_seq] |
write x to compose a continuation monad that puts x into the
sequence produced by evaluation and returns the unit value.
writeSC [Cf_flow] |
writeSC x to compose a state-continuation monad that puts x into
the flow produced by evaluation and returns the unit value.
writeSC [Cf_seq] |
writeSC x to compose a state-continuation monad that puts x into
the sequence produced by evaluation and returns the unit value.