B | |
binop [Texpr1] |
Binary operators
binop [Texpr0] |
Binary operators
box1 [Abstract1] | |
C | |
change [Dim] | |
change2 [Dim] | |
D | |
dimension [Dim] | |
E | |
earray [Tcons1] | |
earray [Generator1] | |
earray [Lincons1] | |
equalities [Polka] |
Linear equalities.
exc [Manager] | |
exclog [Manager] | |
expr [Texpr1] |
User type for tree expressions
expr [Texpr0] |
User type for tree expressions
F | |
funid [Manager] | |
funopt [Manager] | |
G | |
grid [Ppl] |
Linear congruences.
I | |
internal [Polka] | |
internal [Oct] | |
L | |
loose [Ppl] | |
loose [Polka] | |
P | |
perm [Dim] | |
R | |
round [Mpfr] | |
round [Texpr1] |
Rounding direction
round [Texpr0] |
Rounding direction
S | |
state [Gmp_random] | |
strict [Ppl] |
Two flavors for convex polyhedra: loose or strict.
strict [Polka] |
Two flavors for convex polyhedra: loose or strict.
T | |
t [Mpfrf] |
multi-precision floating-point numbers
t [Mpqf] |
multi-precision rationals
t [Mpzf] |
multi-precision integer
t [Mpfr] | |
t [Mpf] | |
t [Mpq] | |
t [Mpz] | |
t [PolkaGrid] |
Type of abstract values, where
'a is Polka.loose or Polka.strict .
t [Ppl] |
Type of convex polyhedra/linear congruences, where
'a is loose , strict or grid .
t [Polka] |
Type of convex polyhedra/linear equalities, where
'a is loose , strict or equalities .
t [Oct] |
Type of octagons.
t [Box] |
Type of boxes.
t [Abstract1] | |
t [Tcons1] | |
t [Texpr1] | |
t [Generator1] | |
t [Lincons1] | |
t [Linexpr1] | |
t [Environment] | |
t [Var] | |
t [Abstract0] | |
t [Manager] | |
t [Tcons0] | |
t [Texpr0] | |
t [Generator0] | |
t [Lincons0] | |
t [Linexpr0] | |
t [Dim] | |
t [Coeff] | |
t [Interval] | |
t [Scalar] | |
typ [Tcons1] | |
typ [Texpr1] |
Destination type for rounding
typ [Generator1] | |
typ [Lincons1] | |
typ [Tcons0] | |
typ [Texpr0] |
Destination type for rounding
typ [Generator0] | |
typ [Lincons0] |
APRON Linear constraints of level 0
typvar [Environment] | |
U | |
union_5 [Coeff] | |
unop [Texpr1] |
Unary operators
unop [Texpr0] |
Unary operators