Module Tcons0

module Tcons0: sig .. end
APRON tree expressions constraints of level 0

type t = {
   mutable texpr0 : Texpr0.t;
   mutable typ : Lincons0.typ;
APRON tree expressions constraints of level 0
type typ = Lincons0.typ = 
| EQ
| EQMOD of Scalar.t
val make : Texpr0.t -> typ -> t
Make a tree expression constraint. Modifying later the tree expression expression modifies correspondingly the tree expression constraint and conversely
val copy : t -> t
Copy a tree expression constraint (deep copy)
val string_of_typ : typ -> string
Convert a constraint type to a string (=,>=, or >)
val print : (Dim.t -> string) -> Format.formatter -> t -> unit
Print a constraint