Module Manager

module Manager: sig .. end
APRON Managers

type funid = 
| Funid_unknown
| Funid_copy
| Funid_free
| Funid_asize
| Funid_minimize
| Funid_canonicalize
| Funid_hash
| Funid_approximate
| Funid_fprint
| Funid_fprintdiff
| Funid_fdump
| Funid_serialize_raw
| Funid_deserialize_raw
| Funid_bottom
| Funid_top
| Funid_of_box
| Funid_dimension
| Funid_is_bottom
| Funid_is_top
| Funid_is_leq
| Funid_is_eq
| Funid_is_dimension_unconstrained
| Funid_sat_interval
| Funid_sat_lincons
| Funid_sat_tcons
| Funid_bound_dimension
| Funid_bound_linexpr
| Funid_bound_texpr
| Funid_to_box
| Funid_to_lincons_array
| Funid_to_tcons_array
| Funid_to_generator_array
| Funid_meet
| Funid_meet_array
| Funid_meet_lincons_array
| Funid_meet_tcons_array
| Funid_join
| Funid_join_array
| Funid_add_ray_array
| Funid_assign_linexpr_array
| Funid_substitute_linexpr_array
| Funid_assign_texpr_array
| Funid_substitute_texpr_array
| Funid_add_dimensions
| Funid_remove_dimensions
| Funid_permute_dimensions
| Funid_forget_array
| Funid_expand
| Funid_fold
| Funid_widening
| Funid_closure
| Funid_change_environment
| Funid_rename_array
type funopt = {
   algorithm : int;
   timeout : int;
   max_object_size : int;
   flag_exact_wanted : bool;
   flag_best_wanted : bool;
type exc = 
| Exc_none
| Exc_timeout
| Exc_out_of_space
| Exc_overflow
| Exc_invalid_argument
| Exc_not_implemented
type exclog = {
   exn : exc;
   funid : funid;
   msg : string;
type 'a t 

APRON Managers

The type parameter 'a allows to distinguish managers allocated by different underlying abstract domains.

Concerning the other types,

val get_library : 'a t -> string
Get the name of the effective library which allocated the manager
val get_version : 'a t -> string
Get the version of the effective library which allocated the manager
val funopt_make : unit -> funopt
Return the default options for any function (0 or false for al fields)
val get_funopt : 'a t -> funid -> funopt
Get the options sets for the function. The result is a copy of the internal structure and may be freely modified. funid should be different from Funid_change_environment and Funid_rename_array (no option associated to them).
val set_funopt : 'a t -> funid -> funopt -> unit
Set the options for the function. funid should be different from Funid_change_environment and Funid_rename_array (no option associated to them).
val get_flag_exact : 'a t -> bool
Get the corresponding result flag
val get_flag_best : 'a t -> bool
Get the corresponding result flag
exception Error of exclog
Exception raised by functions of the interface
val string_of_funid : funid -> string
val string_of_exc : exc -> string
val print_funid : Format.formatter -> funid -> unit
val print_funopt : Format.formatter -> funopt -> unit
val print_exc : Format.formatter -> exc -> unit
val print_exclog : Format.formatter -> exclog -> unit
Printing functions
val set_deserialize : 'a t -> unit
Set / get the global manager used for deserialization
val get_deserialize : unit -> 'a t