module Manager: sig
.. end
APRON Managers
funid =
| |
Funid_unknown |
| |
Funid_copy |
| |
Funid_free |
| |
Funid_asize |
| |
Funid_minimize |
| |
Funid_canonicalize |
| |
Funid_hash |
| |
Funid_approximate |
| |
Funid_fprint |
| |
Funid_fprintdiff |
| |
Funid_fdump |
| |
Funid_serialize_raw |
| |
Funid_deserialize_raw |
| |
Funid_bottom |
| |
Funid_top |
| |
Funid_of_box |
| |
Funid_dimension |
| |
Funid_is_bottom |
| |
Funid_is_top |
| |
Funid_is_leq |
| |
Funid_is_eq |
| |
Funid_is_dimension_unconstrained |
| |
Funid_sat_interval |
| |
Funid_sat_lincons |
| |
Funid_sat_tcons |
| |
Funid_bound_dimension |
| |
Funid_bound_linexpr |
| |
Funid_bound_texpr |
| |
Funid_to_box |
| |
Funid_to_lincons_array |
| |
Funid_to_tcons_array |
| |
Funid_to_generator_array |
| |
Funid_meet |
| |
Funid_meet_array |
| |
Funid_meet_lincons_array |
| |
Funid_meet_tcons_array |
| |
Funid_join |
| |
Funid_join_array |
| |
Funid_add_ray_array |
| |
Funid_assign_linexpr_array |
| |
Funid_substitute_linexpr_array |
| |
Funid_assign_texpr_array |
| |
Funid_substitute_texpr_array |
| |
Funid_add_dimensions |
| |
Funid_remove_dimensions |
| |
Funid_permute_dimensions |
| |
Funid_forget_array |
| |
Funid_expand |
| |
Funid_fold |
| |
Funid_widening |
| |
Funid_closure |
| |
Funid_change_environment |
| |
Funid_rename_array |
funopt = {
algorithm : int ; |
timeout : int ; |
max_object_size : int ; |
flag_exact_wanted : bool ; |
flag_best_wanted : bool ; |
exc =
| |
Exc_none |
| |
Exc_timeout |
| |
Exc_out_of_space |
| |
Exc_overflow |
| |
Exc_invalid_argument |
| |
Exc_not_implemented |
exclog = {
type 'a
APRON Managers
The type parameter 'a
allows to distinguish managers allocated by different underlying abstract domains.
Concerning the other types,
defines identifiers for the generic function working on abstrat values;
defines the options associated to generic functions;
defines the different kind of exceptions;
defines the exceptions raised by APRON functions.
val get_library : 'a t -> string
Get the name of the effective library which allocated the manager
val get_version : 'a t -> string
Get the version of the effective library which allocated the manager
val funopt_make : unit -> funopt
Return the default options for any function (0
or false
for al fields)
val get_funopt : 'a t -> funid -> funopt
Get the options sets for the function. The result is a copy of the internal structure and may be freely modified. funid
should be different from Funid_change_environment
and Funid_rename_array
(no option associated to them).
val set_funopt : 'a t -> funid -> funopt -> unit
Set the options for the function. funid
should be different from Funid_change_environment
and Funid_rename_array
(no option associated to them).
val get_flag_exact : 'a t -> bool
Get the corresponding result flag
val get_flag_best : 'a t -> bool
Get the corresponding result flag
exception Error of exclog
Exception raised by functions of the interface
val string_of_funid : funid -> string
val string_of_exc : exc -> string
val print_funid : Format.formatter -> funid -> unit
val print_funopt : Format.formatter -> funopt -> unit
val print_exc : Format.formatter -> exc -> unit
val print_exclog : Format.formatter -> exclog -> unit
Printing functions
val set_deserialize : 'a t -> unit
Set / get the global manager used for deserialization
val get_deserialize : unit -> 'a t