module Lincons1: sig
.. end
APRON Constraints and array of constraints of level 1
t = {
earray = {
APRON Constraints and array of constraints of level 1
typ = Lincons0.typ
| |
EQ |
| |
| |
| |
| |
EQMOD of Scalar.t |
val make : Linexpr1.t -> typ -> t
Make a linear constraint. Modifying later the linear expression (not
advisable) modifies correspondingly the linear constraint and conversely,
except for changes of environements
val copy : t -> t
Copy (deep copy)
val string_of_typ : typ -> string
Convert a constraint type to a string (=
, or >
val print : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
Print the linear constraint
val get_typ : t -> typ
Get the constraint type
val iter : (Coeff.t -> Var.t -> unit) -> t -> unit
Iter the function on the pair coefficient/variable of the underlying linear
val get_cst : t -> Coeff.t
Get the constant of the underlying linear expression
val set_typ : t -> typ -> unit
Set the constraint type
val set_list : t -> (Coeff.t * Var.t) list -> Coeff.t option -> unit
Set simultaneously a number of coefficients.
set_list expr [(c1,"x"); (c2,"y")] (Some cst)
assigns coefficients c1
to variable "x"
, coefficient c2
to variable "y"
, and coefficient cst
to the constant. If (Some cst)
is replaced by None
the constant coefficient is not assigned.
val set_array : t -> (Coeff.t * Var.t) array -> Coeff.t option -> unit
Set simultaneously a number of coefficients, as set_list
val set_cst : t -> Coeff.t -> unit
Set the constant of the underlying linear expression
val get_coeff : t -> Var.t -> Coeff.t
Get the coefficient of the variable in the underlying linear expression
val set_coeff : t -> Var.t -> Coeff.t -> unit
Set the coefficient of the variable in the underlying linear expression
val make_unsat : Environment.t -> t
Build the unsatisfiable constraint -1>=0
val is_unsat : t -> bool
Is the constraint not satisfiable ?
val extend_environment : t -> Environment.t -> t
Change the environement of the constraint for a super-environement. Raise Failure
if it is not the case
val extend_environment_with : t -> Environment.t -> unit
Side-effect version of the previous function
val get_env : t -> Environment.t
Get the environement of the linear constraint
val get_linexpr1 : t -> Linexpr1.t
Get the underlying linear expression. Modifying the linear expression (not advisable) modifies correspondingly the linear constraint and
conversely, except for changes of environements
val get_lincons0 : t -> Lincons0.t
Get the underlying linear constraint of level 0. Modifying the constraint
of level 0 (not advisable) modifies correspondingly the linear constraint
and conversely, except for changes of environements
Type array
val array_make : Environment.t -> int -> earray
Make an array of linear constraints with the given size and defined on the
given environement. The elements are initialized with the constraint 0=0.
val array_print : ?first:(unit, Format.formatter, unit) Pervasives.format ->
?sep:(unit, Format.formatter, unit) Pervasives.format ->
?last:(unit, Format.formatter, unit) Pervasives.format ->
Format.formatter -> earray -> unit
Print an array of constraints
val array_length : earray -> int
Get the size of the array
val array_get_env : earray -> Environment.t
Get the environment of the array
val array_get : earray -> int -> t
Get the element of the given index (which is not a copy)
val array_set : earray -> int -> t -> unit
Set the element of the given index (without any copy). The array and the
constraint should be defined on the same environement; otherwise a Failure
exception is raised.
val array_extend_environment : earray -> Environment.t -> earray
Change the environement of the array of constraints for a super-environement. Raise Failure
if it is not the case
val array_extend_environment_with : earray -> Environment.t -> unit
Side-effect version of the previous function