Module Coeff

module Coeff: sig .. end
APRON Coefficients (either scalars or intervals)

type union_5 = 
| Scalar of Scalar.t
| Interval of Interval.t
type t = union_5 

APRON Coefficients (either scalars or intervals)
val s_of_mpq : Mpq.t -> t
val s_of_mpqf : Mpqf.t -> t
val s_of_int : int -> t
val s_of_frac : int -> int -> t
Create a scalar coefficient of type Mpqf.t from resp.
val s_of_float : float -> t
Create an interval coefficient of type Float with the given value
val s_of_mpfr : Mpfr.t -> t
Create an interval coefficient of type Mpfr with the given value
val i_of_scalar : Scalar.t -> Scalar.t -> t
Build an interval from a lower and an upper bound
val i_of_mpq : Mpq.t -> Mpq.t -> t
val i_of_mpqf : Mpqf.t -> Mpqf.t -> t
val i_of_int : int -> int -> t
val i_of_frac : int -> int -> int -> int -> t
val i_of_float : float -> float -> t
val i_of_mpfr : Mpfr.t -> Mpfr.t -> t
Create an interval coefficient from resp. two
val is_scalar : t -> bool
val is_interval : t -> bool
val cmp : t -> t -> int
Non Total Comparison:
val equal : t -> t -> bool
Equality test
val is_zero : t -> bool
Is the coefficient equal to scalar 0 or interval 0,0 ?
val equal_int : t -> int -> bool
Is the coefficient equal to scalar b or interval b,b ?
val neg : t -> t
val reduce : t -> t
Convert interval to scalar if possible
val print : Format.formatter -> t -> unit