module Texpr1: sig
.. end
APRON Expressions of level 1
t = {
APRON Expressions of level 1
unop = Texpr0.unop
Unary operators
binop = Texpr0.binop
| |
Add |
| |
Sub |
| |
Mul |
| |
Div |
| |
Mod |
Binary operators
typ = Texpr0.typ
| |
Real |
| |
Int |
| |
Single |
| |
Double |
| |
Extended |
| |
Quad |
Destination type for rounding
round = Texpr0.round
| |
Near |
| |
Zero |
| |
Up |
| |
Down |
| |
Rnd |
Rounding direction
expr =
User type for tree expressions
Constructors and Destructor
val of_expr : Environment.t -> expr -> t
General constructor (actually the most efficient)
val copy : t -> t
val of_linexpr : Linexpr1.t -> t
val to_expr : t -> expr
General destructor
Incremental constructors
val cst : Environment.t -> Coeff.t -> t
val var : Environment.t -> Var.t -> t
val unop : Texpr0.unop -> t -> Texpr0.typ -> Texpr0.round -> t
val binop : Texpr0.binop ->
t -> t -> Texpr0.typ -> Texpr0.round -> t
val is_interval_cst : t -> bool
val is_interval_linear : t -> bool
val is_interval_polynomial : t -> bool
val is_interval_polyfrac : t -> bool
val is_scalar : t -> bool
val extend_environment : t -> Environment.t -> t
Change the environment of the expression for a super-environement. Raise Failure
if it is not the case
val extend_environment_with : t -> Environment.t -> unit
Side-effet version of the previous function
val get_texpr0 : t -> Texpr0.t
Get the underlying expression of level 0 (which is not a copy).
val get_env : t -> Environment.t
Get the environement of the expression
val string_of_unop : unop -> string
val string_of_binop : binop -> string
val string_of_typ : typ -> string
val string_of_round : round -> string
val print_unop : Format.formatter -> unop -> unit
val print_binop : Format.formatter -> binop -> unit
val print_typ : Format.formatter -> typ -> unit
val print_round : Format.formatter -> round -> unit
val print_expr : Format.formatter -> expr -> unit
Print a tree expression
val print : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
Print an abstract tree expression