module Linexpr0:sig
val make : int option -> t
is provided, dense of size size
if Some size
is provided.val of_list : int option -> (Coeff.t * Dim.t) list -> Coeff.t option -> t
val of_array : int option -> (Coeff.t * Dim.t) array -> Coeff.t option -> t
val minimize : t -> unit
val copy : t -> t
val compare : t -> t -> int
val hash : t -> int
val get_size : t -> int
val get_cst : t -> Coeff.t
val get_coeff : t -> int -> Coeff.t
val set_list : t -> (Coeff.t * Dim.t) list -> Coeff.t option -> unit
set_list expr [(c1,1); (c2,2)] (Some cst)
assigns coefficients c1
to dimension 1, coefficient c2
to dimension 2, and coefficient cst
to the constant. If (Some cst)
is replaced by None
the constant coefficient is not assigned.
val set_array : t -> (Coeff.t * Dim.t) array -> Coeff.t option -> unit
.val set_cst : t -> Coeff.t -> unit
val set_coeff : t -> int -> Coeff.t -> unit
val iter : (Coeff.t -> Dim.t -> unit) -> t -> unit
val print : (Dim.t -> string) -> Format.formatter -> t -> unit