Module UDisks_device

module UDisks_device: sig .. end
UDisks device interface

include OBus_proxy.Private


type benchmark_result = {
   bench_read_transfer_rate_results : (int64 * float) list; (*An array of pairs where the first element is the offset and the second element is the measured read transfer rate (in bytes/sec) at the given offset.*)
   bench_write_transfer_rate_results : (int64 * float) list; (*An array of pairs where the first element is the offset and the second element is the measured read transfer rate (in bytes/sec) at the given offset. This is an empty array unless write benchmarking has been requested.*)
   bench_access_time_results : (int64 * float) list; (*An array of pairs where the first element is the offset and the second element the amount of time (in seconds) it took to seek to the position.*)
val drive_benchmark : t ->
do_write_benchmark:bool ->
options:string list -> benchmark_result Lwt.t
val drive_ata_smart_initiate_selftest : t -> test:string -> options:string list -> unit Lwt.t
val drive_ata_smart_refresh_data : t -> options:string list -> unit Lwt.t
type spindown_timeout_cookie 
val drive_set_spindown_timeout : t ->
timeout_seconds:int ->
options:string list -> spindown_timeout_cookie Lwt.t
val drive_unset_spindown_timeout : t -> cookie:spindown_timeout_cookie -> unit Lwt.t
val drive_detach : t -> options:string list -> unit Lwt.t
val drive_eject : t -> options:string list -> unit Lwt.t
val drive_poll_media : t -> unit Lwt.t
type inhibit_polling_cookie 
val drive_inhibit_polling : t -> options:string list -> inhibit_polling_cookie Lwt.t
val drive_uninhibit_polling : t -> cookie:inhibit_polling_cookie -> unit Lwt.t
val linux_md_check : t -> options:string list -> int64 Lwt.t
val linux_lvm2_lvstop : t -> options:string list -> unit Lwt.t
val linux_md_stop : t -> options:string list -> unit Lwt.t
val linux_md_remove_component : t -> component:t -> options:string list -> unit Lwt.t
val linux_md_expand : t -> components:t list -> options:string list -> unit Lwt.t
val linux_md_add_spare : t -> component:t -> options:string list -> unit Lwt.t
val luks_change_passphrase : t -> current_passphrase:string -> new_passphrase:string -> unit Lwt.t
val luks_lock : t -> options:string list -> unit Lwt.t
val luks_unlock : t -> passphrase:string -> options:string list -> t Lwt.t
type process = {
   pr_pid : int;
   pr_uid : int;
   pr_comamnd_line : string;
val filesystem_list_open_files : t -> process list Lwt.t
val filesystem_check : t -> options:string list -> bool Lwt.t
val filesystem_unmount : t -> options:string list -> unit Lwt.t
val filesystem_mount : t -> filesystem_type:string -> options:string list -> string Lwt.t
val filesystem_set_label : t -> new_label:string -> unit Lwt.t
val filesystem_create : t -> fstype:string -> options:string list -> unit Lwt.t
val partition_modify : t -> typ:string -> label:string -> flags:string list -> unit Lwt.t
val partition_create : t ->
offset:int64 ->
size:int64 ->
typ:string ->
label:string ->
flags:string list ->
options:string list -> fstype:string -> fsoptions:string list -> t Lwt.t
val partition_delete : t -> options:string list -> unit Lwt.t
val partition_table_create : t -> scheme:string -> options:string list -> unit Lwt.t
val job_cancel : t -> unit Lwt.t


type job = {
   job_in_progress : bool; (*Whether a job is currently in progress*)
   job_id : string; (*The identifier of the job*)
   job_initiated_by_uid : int; (*he UNIX user id of the user who initiated the job*)
   job_is_cancellable : bool; (*Whether the job is cancellable*)
   job_cur_task_percentage : float; (*Percentage completed of current task (between 0 and 100, negative if unknown)*)
A job description
val job_changed : t -> job OBus_signal.t
val changed : t -> unit OBus_signal.t


val linux_dmmp_parameters : t -> string OBus_property.r
val linux_dmmp_slaves : t -> t list OBus_property.r
val linux_dmmp_name : t -> string OBus_property.r
val linux_dmmp_component_holder : t -> t OBus_property.r
val linux_lvm2_lvgroup_uuid : t -> string OBus_property.r
val linux_lvm2_lvgroup_name : t -> string OBus_property.r
val linux_lvm2_lvuuid : t -> string OBus_property.r
val linux_lvm2_lvname : t -> string OBus_property.r
val linux_lvm2_pvgroup_logical_volumes : t -> string list OBus_property.r
val linux_lvm2_pvgroup_physical_volumes : t -> string list OBus_property.r
val linux_lvm2_pvgroup_extent_size : t -> int64 OBus_property.r
val linux_lvm2_pvgroup_sequence_number : t -> int64 OBus_property.r
val linux_lvm2_pvgroup_unallocated_size : t -> int64 OBus_property.r
val linux_lvm2_pvgroup_size : t -> int64 OBus_property.r
val linux_lvm2_pvgroup_uuid : t -> string OBus_property.r
val linux_lvm2_pvgroup_name : t -> string OBus_property.r
val linux_lvm2_pvnum_metadata_areas : t -> int OBus_property.r
val linux_lvm2_pvuuid : t -> string OBus_property.r
val linux_md_sync_speed : t -> int64 OBus_property.r
val linux_md_sync_percentage : t -> float OBus_property.r
val linux_md_sync_action : t -> string OBus_property.r
val linux_md_is_degraded : t -> bool OBus_property.r
val linux_md_slaves : t -> t list OBus_property.r
val linux_md_version : t -> string OBus_property.r
val linux_md_num_raid_devices : t -> int OBus_property.r
val linux_md_name : t -> string OBus_property.r
val linux_md_home_host : t -> string OBus_property.r
val linux_md_uuid : t -> string OBus_property.r
val linux_md_level : t -> string OBus_property.r
val linux_md_state : t -> string OBus_property.r
val linux_md_component_state : t -> string list OBus_property.r
val linux_md_component_holder : t -> t OBus_property.r
val linux_md_component_version : t -> string OBus_property.r
val linux_md_component_home_host : t -> string OBus_property.r
val linux_md_component_name : t -> string OBus_property.r
val linux_md_component_uuid : t -> string OBus_property.r
val linux_md_component_num_raid_devices : t -> int OBus_property.r
val linux_md_component_position : t -> int OBus_property.r
val linux_md_component_level : t -> string OBus_property.r
val drive_ata_smart_blob : t -> string OBus_property.r
val drive_ata_smart_status : t -> string OBus_property.r
val drive_ata_smart_time_collected : t -> int64 OBus_property.r
val drive_ata_smart_is_available : t -> bool OBus_property.r
val optical_disc_num_sessions : t -> int OBus_property.r
val optical_disc_num_audio_tracks : t -> int OBus_property.r
val optical_disc_num_tracks : t -> int OBus_property.r
val optical_disc_is_closed : t -> bool OBus_property.r
val optical_disc_is_appendable : t -> bool OBus_property.r
val optical_disc_is_blank : t -> bool OBus_property.r
val drive_similar_devices : t -> t list OBus_property.r
val drive_ports : t -> UDisks_port.t list OBus_property.r
val drive_adapter : t -> UDisks_adapter.t OBus_property.r
val drive_is_rotational : t -> bool OBus_property.r
val drive_can_spindown : t -> bool OBus_property.r
val drive_can_detach : t -> bool OBus_property.r
val drive_is_media_ejectable : t -> bool OBus_property.r
val drive_media : t -> string OBus_property.r
val drive_media_compatibility : t -> string list OBus_property.r
val drive_connection_speed : t -> int64 OBus_property.r
val drive_connection_interface : t -> string OBus_property.r
val drive_write_cache : t -> string OBus_property.r
val drive_rotation_rate : t -> int OBus_property.r
val drive_wwn : t -> string OBus_property.r
val drive_serial : t -> string OBus_property.r
val drive_revision : t -> string OBus_property.r
val drive_model : t -> string OBus_property.r
val drive_vendor : t -> string OBus_property.r
val partition_table_count : t -> int OBus_property.r
val partition_table_scheme : t -> string OBus_property.r
val partition_alignment_offset : t -> int64 OBus_property.r
val partition_size : t -> int64 OBus_property.r
val partition_offset : t -> int64 OBus_property.r
val partition_number : t -> int OBus_property.r
val partition_flags : t -> string list OBus_property.r
val partition_uuid : t -> string OBus_property.r
val partition_label : t -> string OBus_property.r
val partition_type : t -> string OBus_property.r
val partition_scheme : t -> string OBus_property.r
val partition_slave : t -> t OBus_property.r
val luks_cleartext_unlocked_by_uid : t -> int OBus_property.r
val luks_cleartext_slave : t -> t OBus_property.r
val luks_holder : t -> t OBus_property.r
val id_label : t -> string OBus_property.r
val id_uuid : t -> string OBus_property.r
val id_version : t -> string OBus_property.r
val id_type : t -> string OBus_property.r
val id_usage : t -> string OBus_property.r
val job_percentage : t -> float OBus_property.r
val job_is_cancellable : t -> bool OBus_property.r
val job_initiated_by_uid : t -> int OBus_property.r
val job_id : t -> string OBus_property.r
val job_in_progress : t -> bool OBus_property.r
val device_presentation_icon_name : t -> string OBus_property.r
val device_presentation_name : t -> string OBus_property.r
val device_presentation_nopolicy : t -> bool OBus_property.r
val device_presentation_hide : t -> bool OBus_property.r
val device_block_size : t -> int64 OBus_property.r
val device_size : t -> int64 OBus_property.r
val device_is_linux_dmmp : t -> bool OBus_property.r
val device_is_linux_dmmp_component : t -> bool OBus_property.r
val device_is_linux_lvm2_pv : t -> bool OBus_property.r
val device_is_linux_lvm2_lv : t -> bool OBus_property.r
val device_is_linux_md : t -> bool OBus_property.r
val device_is_linux_md_component : t -> bool OBus_property.r
val device_is_luks_cleartext : t -> bool OBus_property.r
val device_is_luks : t -> bool OBus_property.r
val device_mounted_by_uid : t -> int OBus_property.r
val device_mount_paths : t -> string list OBus_property.r
val device_is_mounted : t -> bool OBus_property.r
val device_is_optical_disc : t -> bool OBus_property.r
val device_is_drive : t -> bool OBus_property.r
val device_is_read_only : t -> bool OBus_property.r
val device_is_media_change_detection_inhibited : t -> bool OBus_property.r
val device_is_media_change_detection_inhibitable : t -> bool OBus_property.r
val device_is_media_change_detection_polling : t -> bool OBus_property.r
val device_is_media_change_detected : t -> bool OBus_property.r
val device_is_media_available : t -> bool OBus_property.r
val device_is_removable : t -> bool OBus_property.r
val device_is_partition_table : t -> bool OBus_property.r
val device_is_partition : t -> bool OBus_property.r
val device_is_system_internal : t -> bool OBus_property.r
val device_file_by_path : t -> string list OBus_property.r
val device_file_by_id : t -> string list OBus_property.r
val device_file_presentation : t -> string OBus_property.r
val device_file : t -> string OBus_property.r
val device_minor : t -> int64 OBus_property.r
val device_major : t -> int64 OBus_property.r
val device_media_detection_time : t -> int64 OBus_property.r
val device_detection_time : t -> int64 OBus_property.r
val native_path : t -> string OBus_property.r
val properties : t ->