Module OBus_property

module OBus_property: sig .. end
D-Bus properties


type ('a, 'access) t 
Type of a property holding a value of type 'a. 'access is the access mode of the property.
type 'a r = ('a, [ `readable ]) t 
Type of read-only properties
type 'a w = ('a, [ `writable ]) t 
Type of write-only properties
type 'a rw = ('a, [ `readable | `writable ]) t 
Type of read and write properties
type map = (OBus_context.t * OBus_value.V.single) Map.Make(String).t 
Type of all properties of an interface.
type group 
Type of a group of property. Property groups are used to read/monitor all the property of an interface.
type monitor = OBus_proxy.t ->
OBus_name.interface -> Lwt_switch.t -> map React.signal Lwt.t
Type of a function creating a signal holding the contents of all the properties of an interface. The default monitor uses the org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties.PropertiesChanged signal.

Properties creation

val make : ?monitor:monitor ->
('a, 'access) OBus_member.Property.t ->
OBus_proxy.t -> ('a, 'access) t
make ?monitor property proxy returns the property object for this proxy.
val group : ?monitor:monitor ->
OBus_proxy.t -> OBus_name.interface -> group
group ?monitor proxy interface creates a group for all readable properties of the given interface. Note that it is faster to read a group of property rather than reading each properties individually.

Properties transformation

val map_rw : ('a -> 'b) -> ('b -> 'a) -> 'a rw -> 'b rw
map property f g maps property with f and g
val map_rw_with_context : (OBus_context.t -> 'a -> 'b) ->
('b -> 'a) -> 'a rw -> 'b rw
Same as except that the context is also passed to mapping functions.
val map_r : ('a -> 'b) -> ('a, [> `readable ]) t -> 'b r
Maps a read-only property.
val map_r_with_context : (OBus_context.t -> 'a -> 'b) ->
('a, [> `readable ]) t -> 'b r
Maps a read-only property, passing the conntext to the mapping function
val map_w : ('b -> 'a) -> ('a, [> `writable ]) t -> 'b w
Maps a write-only property.

Operations on properties

val get : ('a, [> `readable ]) t -> 'a Lwt.t
Read the contents of a property.
val get_with_context : ('a, [> `readable ]) t -> (OBus_context.t * 'a) Lwt.t
Same as OBus_property.get but also returns the context
val set : ('a, [> `writable ]) t -> 'a -> unit Lwt.t
Write the contents of a property
val get_group : group -> map Lwt.t
Returns the set of all properties that belong to the given group.

Operations on property maps

val find_value : OBus_name.member -> map -> OBus_value.V.single
find_value name map returns the value associated to name in set. It raises Not_found if name is not in map.
val find_value_with_context : OBus_name.member -> map -> OBus_context.t * OBus_value.V.single
Same as OBus_property.find_value but also returns the context in which the property was received.
val find : ('a, [> `readable ]) t -> map -> 'a
find property map looks up for the given property in set and maps it to a value of type 'a. It raises Not_found if property does not belong to map.
val find_with_context : ('a, [> `readable ]) t ->
map -> OBus_context.t * 'a
Same as OBus_property.find but also returns the context in which the property was received.
val print_map : Format.formatter -> map -> unit
print_set pp map prints all the properties of map.
val string_of_map : map -> string
string_of_set set prints set into a string and returns it.


Lots of D-Bus services notify other applications with a D-Bus signal when one or more properties of an object change. In this case it is possible to monitor the contents of a property.

Note that when at least one property of an interface is monitored, obus will keep a local state of all the properties of the interface.

val monitor : ?switch:Lwt_switch.t ->
('a, [> `readable ]) t -> 'a React.signal Lwt.t
monitor ?switch property returns the signal holding the current contents of property. Raises Failure if the property is not monitorable.

Resources allocated to monitor the property are automatically freed when the signal is garbage collected

val monitor_group : ?switch:Lwt_switch.t ->
group -> map React.signal Lwt.t
monitor_group ?switch group monitors all properties of the given group.

Helpers for custom monitors

val get_all_no_cache : OBus_proxy.t ->
OBus_name.interface ->
(OBus_context.t * (OBus_name.member * OBus_value.V.single) list) Lwt.t
get_all_no_cache proxy interface reads the value of all properties without using the cache.
val update_map : OBus_context.t ->
(OBus_name.member * OBus_value.V.single) list ->
map -> map
update_map context values map add all properties with their context and value to map.
val map_of_list : OBus_context.t ->
(OBus_name.member * OBus_value.V.single) list -> map
map_of_list context values returns the map corresponding to the given values and context.