Module UDisks

module UDisks: sig .. end
UDisks main interface

include OBus_peer.Private
val daemon : unit -> t Lwt.t
daemon () returns the peer object for the udisks daemon


val busy :
val cancelled :
val failed :
val filesystem_driver_missing :
val filesystem_tools_missing :
val inhibited :
val invalid_option :
val not_found :
val not_supported :
val permission_denied :


type inhibit_cookie 
val inhibit : t -> inhibit_cookie Lwt.t
val uninhibit : t -> cookie:inhibit_cookie -> unit Lwt.t
val linux_md_create : t ->
components:UDisks_device.t list ->
level:string ->
stripe_size:int64 ->
name:string -> options:string list -> UDisks_device.t Lwt.t
val linux_md_start : t ->
components:UDisks_device.t list ->
options:string list -> UDisks_device.t Lwt.t
val linux_lvm2_lvcreate : t ->
group_uuid:string ->
name:string ->
size:int64 ->
num_stripes:int ->
stripe_size:int64 ->
num_mirrors:int ->
options:string list ->
fstype:string -> fsoptions:string list -> UDisks_device.t Lwt.t
val linux_lvm2_lvremove : t -> group_uuid:string -> uuid:string -> options:string list -> unit Lwt.t
val linux_lvm2_lvstart : t -> group_uuid:string -> uuid:string -> options:string list -> unit Lwt.t
val linux_lvm2_lvset_name : t -> group_uuid:string -> uuid:string -> name:string -> unit Lwt.t
val linux_lvm2_vgremove_pv : t -> vg_uuid:string -> pv_uuid:string -> options:string list -> unit Lwt.t
val linux_lvm2_vgadd_pv : t ->
uuid:string ->
physical_volume:UDisks_device.t -> options:string list -> unit Lwt.t
val linux_lvm2_vgset_name : t -> uuid:string -> name:string -> unit Lwt.t
val linux_lvm2_vgstop : t -> uuid:string -> options:string list -> unit Lwt.t
val linux_lvm2_vgstart : t -> uuid:string -> options:string list -> unit Lwt.t
type all_spindown_timeouts_cookie 
val drive_set_all_spindown_timeouts : t ->
timeout_seconds:int ->
options:string list -> all_spindown_timeouts_cookie Lwt.t
val drive_unset_all_spindown_timeouts : t -> cookie:all_spindown_timeouts_cookie -> unit Lwt.t
type inhibit_all_polling_cookie 
val drive_inhibit_all_polling : t -> options:string list -> inhibit_all_polling_cookie Lwt.t
val drive_uninhibit_all_polling : t -> cookie:inhibit_all_polling_cookie -> unit Lwt.t
val find_device_by_major_minor : t -> device_major:int64 -> device_minor:int64 -> UDisks_device.t Lwt.t
val find_device_by_device_file : t -> device_file:string -> UDisks_device.t Lwt.t
val enumerate_device_files : t -> string list Lwt.t
val enumerate_devices : t -> UDisks_device.t list Lwt.t
val enumerate_ports : t -> UDisks_port.t list Lwt.t
val enumerate_expanders : t -> UDisks_expander.t list Lwt.t
val enumerate_adapters : t -> UDisks_adapter.t list Lwt.t


val port_changed : t -> UDisks_port.t OBus_signal.t
val port_removed : t -> UDisks_port.t OBus_signal.t
val port_added : t -> UDisks_port.t OBus_signal.t
val expander_changed : t -> UDisks_expander.t OBus_signal.t
val expander_removed : t -> UDisks_expander.t OBus_signal.t
val expander_added : t -> UDisks_expander.t OBus_signal.t
val adapter_changed : t -> UDisks_adapter.t OBus_signal.t
val adapter_removed : t -> UDisks_adapter.t OBus_signal.t
val adapter_added : t -> UDisks_adapter.t OBus_signal.t
val device_changed : t -> UDisks_device.t OBus_signal.t
val device_removed : t -> UDisks_device.t OBus_signal.t
val device_added : t -> UDisks_device.t OBus_signal.t
type job = {
   job_device : UDisks_device.t;
   job_in_progress : bool; (*Whether a job is currently in progress.</doc:summary*)
   job_is_cancellable : bool; (*Whether the job is cancellable*)
   job_id : string; (*The identifier of the job*)
   job_num_tasks : int; (*Number of tasks in the job*)
   job_cur_task : int; (*Current task number (zero-based offset)*)
   job_cur_task_id : string; (*Task identifier for current task*)
   job_cur_task_percentage : float; (*Percentage completed of current task (between 0 and 100, negative if unknown)*)
val device_job_changed : t -> job OBus_signal.t


type fs = {
   fs_id : string; (*The name / identifier of the file system (such as ext3 or vfat), similar to the contents of the Device:IdType property.*)
   fs_name : string; (*A human readable name for the file system such as "Linux Ext3".*)
   fs_supports_unix_owners : bool; (*Whether the file system supports the UNIX owners model (e.g. ext3 does, but vfat doesn't).*)
   fs_can_mount : bool; (*Whether the file system can be mounted.*)
   fs_can_create : bool; (*Whether the file system can be created on a device.*)
   fs_max_label_len : int; (*The maximum amount of bytes that the file system label can hold. Set to zero if the file system doesn't support labels.*)
   fs_supports_label_rename : bool; (*Whether the label of the file system can be changed.*)
   fs_supports_online_label_rename : bool; (*Whether the label can be changed while the file system is mounted.*)
   fs_supports_fsck : bool; (*Whether the file system can be checked.*)
   fs_supports_online_fsck : bool; (*Whether the file system can be checked while mounted.*)
   fs_supports_resize_enlarge : bool; (*Whether the file system can be enlarged.*)
   fs_supports_online_resize_enlarge : bool; (*Whether the file system can be enlarged while mounted.*)
   fs_supports_resize_shrink : bool; (*Whether the file system can be shrunk.*)
   fs_supports_online_resize_shrink : bool; (*Whether the file system can be shrunk while mounted.*)
File-system informations
val known_filesystems : t -> fs list OBus_property.r
val supports_luks_devices : t -> bool OBus_property.r
val daemon_is_inhibited : t -> bool OBus_property.r
val daemon_version : t -> string OBus_property.r
val properties : t ->