module OBus_signal:sig
val emit : 'a OBus_member.Signal.t ->
'b OBus_object.t -> ?peer:OBus_peer.t -> 'a -> unit Lwt.t
emit signal obj ?peer args
emit signal
from obj
. The
destinations of the signal are selected as follow:
is provided, then the message is sent only to itobj
is exported.type 'a
val make : 'a OBus_member.Signal.t -> OBus_proxy.t -> 'a t
make signal proxy
creates a signal descriptor.val make_any : 'a OBus_member.Signal.t -> OBus_peer.t -> (OBus_proxy.t * 'a) t
make_any signal peer
creates a signal descriptor for receiving
signals from any object of peer
.val connect : ?switch:Lwt_switch.t -> 'a t -> 'a React.event Lwt.t
connect ?switch sd
connects the signal descriptor sd
returns the event which occurs when the given D-Bus signal is
received.val map_event : ((OBus_context.t * 'a) React.event -> (OBus_context.t * 'b) React.event) ->
'a t -> 'b t
map_event f sd
transforms with f
the event that is created
when sd
is connected.val map : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a t -> 'b t
.val map_with_context : (OBus_context.t -> 'a -> 'b) -> 'a t -> 'b t
but the mapping function also receive the
context.val with_context : 'a t -> (OBus_context.t * 'a) t
val with_filters : OBus_match.arguments -> 'a t -> 'a t
with_filters filters sd
is the signal descriptor sd
with the
given list of argument filters. When connected, obus will add
this filters to the matching rule send to the message bus, so
the bus can use them to drop messages that do not match these
The goal of argument filters is to reduce the number of messages received, and so to reduce the number of wakeup of the program.
Note that match rule management must be activated for filters to
take effect (see OBus_signal.with_match_rule
val with_match_rule : bool -> 'a t -> 'a t
with_match_rule state sd
enables or disables the automatic
management of matching rules. If the endpoint of the underlying
connection is a message bus it defaults to true
, otherwise it
default to false