Module OBus_server

module OBus_server: sig .. end
Servers for one-to-one communication

type t 
Type of a server
val addresses : t -> OBus_address.t list
addresses server returns all the addresses the server is listenning on. These addresses must be passed to clients so they can connect to server.
val shutdown : t -> unit Lwt.t
shutdown server shutdowns the given server. It terminates when all listeners (a server may listen on several addresses) have exited. If the server has already been shutdown, it does nothing.
val make : ?switch:Lwt_switch.t ->
?capabilities:OBus_auth.capability list ->
?mechanisms:OBus_auth.Server.mechanism list ->
?addresses:OBus_address.t list ->
?allow_anonymous:bool ->
(t -> OBus_connection.t -> unit) -> t Lwt.t
make ?switch ?capabilities ?mechanisms ?addresses ?allow_anonymous f Creates a server which will listen on all of the given addresses.
capabilities : is the list of supported capabilities, it defaults to OBus_auth.capabilities
mechanisms : is the list of authentication mechanisms supported by the server,
addresses : default to { name = "unix"; args = [("tmpdir", "/tmp")],
allow_anonymous : tell whether clients using anonymous authentication will be accepted. It defaults to false,
val make_lowlevel : ?switch:Lwt_switch.t ->
?capabilities:OBus_auth.capability list ->
?mechanisms:OBus_auth.Server.mechanism list ->
?addresses:OBus_address.t list ->
?allow_anonymous:bool ->
(t -> OBus_transport.t -> unit) -> t Lwt.t
make_lowlevel is the same as OBus_server.make except that f receives only the transport, and no connection is created for this transport.