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Documenting the use of gentoo in a single page wouldn't be very practical. Not because it is an exceptionally big program, but because it is exceptionally well documented (IMO). When compared to the typical free program, gentoo has huge amounts of documentation. That, I feel, is a shame. Anyway, let's divide this into subsections, shall we?

1. Window LayoutA nice commented screen shot telling you what is what in gentoo's window.
2. The Status Line Introduces your friend the status line. Always on top.
3. The Directory Panes Text about the most important window elements; the dirpanes.
4. The Button Bank Info about the box of buttons in the bottom of the window.
5. The Menus Information about the (currently very limited) menu system.
6. Commands Explains built-in and user-defined commands in some detail.
7. File Typing Tells you how you can teach gentoo about the types of your files!
8. File Styles Control how files of different types are displayed in the panes.
9. Miscellaneous Various other relevant information, for example on regular expressions.