| 1. Window Layout | | A nice commented screen shot telling you what is what in gentoo's window. |
| 2. The Status Line | | Introduces your friend the status line. Always on top. |
| 3. The Directory Panes | | Text about the most important window elements; the dirpanes. |
| 4. The Button Bank | | Info about the box of buttons in the bottom of the window. |
| 5. The Menus | | Information about the (currently very limited) menu system. |
| 6. Commands | | Explains built-in and user-defined commands in some detail. |
| 7. File Typing | | Tells you how you can teach gentoo about the types of your files! |
| 8. File Styles | | Control how files of different types are displayed in the panes. |
| 9. Miscellaneous | | Various other relevant information, for example on regular expressions. |