Module UPower

module UPower: sig .. end
UPower main interface

include OBus_peer.Private
val daemon : unit -> t Lwt.t
daemon () returns the peer object for the upower daemon
val general_error :


val hibernate_allowed : t -> bool Lwt.t
val hibernate : t -> unit Lwt.t
val suspend_allowed : t -> bool Lwt.t
val suspend : t -> unit Lwt.t
val about_to_sleep : t -> unit Lwt.t
val enumerate_devices : t -> UPower_device.t list Lwt.t


val resuming : t -> unit OBus_signal.t
val sleeping : t -> unit OBus_signal.t
val changed : t -> unit OBus_signal.t
val device_changed : t -> UPower_device.t OBus_signal.t
val device_removed : t -> UPower_device.t OBus_signal.t
val device_added : t -> UPower_device.t OBus_signal.t


val lid_is_present : t -> bool OBus_property.r
val lid_is_closed : t -> bool OBus_property.r
val on_low_battery : t -> bool OBus_property.r
val on_battery : t -> bool OBus_property.r
val can_hibernate : t -> bool OBus_property.r
val can_suspend : t -> bool OBus_property.r
val daemon_version : t -> string OBus_property.r
val properties : t ->