Module CfParserUtil

module CfParserUtil: sig .. end
Parsing Transformations and Management

val set_base_env : string -> unit
Setting the base environment.
val parse_program : string -> 'a -> ('a -> Lexing.lexbuf -> CfAst.expr) -> CfAst.expr
Main parsing.
val error : string -> unit
Error Reporting

Parser and Lexer Functions
val current_file_loc : unit -> Loc.loc
val set_env : string -> unit
val add_import : string -> string
val next_lex : Lexing.lexbuf -> Loc.loc * string
val get_current_token : unit -> string

Parser Transformations
val free_arg_list : Loc.loc -> string list -> CfAst.expr list
val application_expr_of_namespace : Loc.loc -> string -> string list -> CfAst.stmt list -> CfAst.expr
Transforms a namespace in an expression.
val application_of_namespace : Loc.loc -> string -> string list -> CfAst.stmt list -> CfAst.stmt
Transforms a namespace in a statement.
val select_position : Loc.loc -> CfAst.expr -> int -> CfAst.expr
Selects position from system or record expression.
val connect_name : Loc.loc -> Loc.loc * string -> CfAst.expr -> CfAst.expr
Connects a name to an expression.
val stmt_of_comp_named : Loc.loc -> Loc.loc * string -> string list -> CfAst.stmt list -> CfAst.stmt
Creates a statement from a named component.
val application_of_prefix : Loc.loc * string -> CfAst.expr -> CfAst.expr
val application_of_infix : Loc.loc * string -> CfAst.expr -> CfAst.expr -> CfAst.expr
val application_of_trifix : Loc.loc * string -> CfAst.expr -> CfAst.expr -> CfAst.expr -> CfAst.expr
val conditional_of_ifelse : Loc.loc -> CfAst.expr -> CfAst.stmt list -> CfAst.stmt list -> CfAst.stmt
val format_string : string -> string
val application_of_string : Loc.loc -> string -> CfAst.expr