Module CfAst

module CfAst: sig .. end

exception CfAstError
type expr = 
| Apply of Loc.loc * string * expr * expr list
| Connect of Loc.loc * expr * expr
| Cond of Loc.loc * expr * expr * expr
| Name of Loc.loc * string
| Comp of Loc.loc * string * string list * stmt list
| Prim of Loc.loc * string * string list
| DotName of Loc.loc * expr * string
| DotPosition of Loc.loc * expr * Intbig.intbig
| Integer of Loc.loc * Intbig.intbig
| Float of Loc.loc * float
| Boolean of Loc.loc * bool
| Vector of Loc.loc * string
| Record of Loc.loc * (string * expr) list
| Free of Loc.loc
type stmt = 
| ApplyStmt of expr
| ConnectStmt of expr
val expr_loc : expr -> Loc.loc
val stmt_loc : stmt -> Loc.loc
val add_sub_env : expr -> expr -> string -> expr
val write_apply : expr -> string -> Pervasives.out_channel -> unit