Module CfParser

module CfParser: sig .. end

type token = 
| IDENTIFIER of (Loc.loc * string)
| INTEGER of (Loc.loc * Intbig.intbig)
| FLOAT of (Loc.loc * float)
| STRING of (Loc.loc * string)
| BOOLEAN of (Loc.loc * bool)
| VECTOR of (Loc.loc * string)
| FREE of (Loc.loc * string)
| END of (Loc.loc * string)
| COMP of (Loc.loc * string)
| COMPONENT of (Loc.loc * string)
| PRIM of (Loc.loc * string)
| IF of (Loc.loc * string)
| EF of (Loc.loc * string)
| ELSE of (Loc.loc * string)
| WITH of (Loc.loc * string)
| IS of (Loc.loc * string)
| LOCAL of (Loc.loc * string)
| IMPORT of (Loc.loc * string)
| ENVIRONMENT of (Loc.loc * string)
| ROOTENVIRONMENT of (Loc.loc * string)
| BRACE_LEFT of (Loc.loc * string)
| BRACE_RIGHT of (Loc.loc * string)
| PAREN_LEFT of (Loc.loc * string)
| PAREN_RIGHT of (Loc.loc * string)
| BRACKET_LEFT of (Loc.loc * string)
| BRACKET_RIGHT of (Loc.loc * string)
| DOLLAR of (Loc.loc * string)
| COLON of (Loc.loc * string)
| EOF of (Loc.loc * string)
| LexerError of (Loc.loc * string)
| OP_UNIFY of (Loc.loc * string)
| OP_CONNECT_LEFT of (Loc.loc * string)
| OP_CONNECT_RIGHT of (Loc.loc * string)
| OP_THEN of (Loc.loc * string)
| OP_VEC_THEN of (Loc.loc * string)
| OP_VEC_ELSE of (Loc.loc * string)
| OP_PROP_U of (Loc.loc * string)
| OP_PROP_IMPLY of (Loc.loc * string)
| OP_PROP_EQUIV of (Loc.loc * string)
| OP_OR of (Loc.loc * string)
| OP_PROP_OR of (Loc.loc * string)
| OP_PROP_XOR of (Loc.loc * string)
| OP_AND of (Loc.loc * string)
| OP_PROP_AND of (Loc.loc * string)
| OP_BW_OR of (Loc.loc * string)
| OP_VEC_OR of (Loc.loc * string)
| OP_BW_XOR of (Loc.loc * string)
| OP_VEC_XOR of (Loc.loc * string)
| OP_BW_AND of (Loc.loc * string)
| OP_VEC_AND of (Loc.loc * string)
| OP_EQU of (Loc.loc * string)
| OP_NEQ of (Loc.loc * string)
| OP_VEC_EQU of (Loc.loc * string)
| OP_VEC_NEQ of (Loc.loc * string)
| OP_CONCAT of (Loc.loc * string)
| OP_RETURN of (Loc.loc * string)
| OP_VEC_CONCAT of (Loc.loc * string)
| OP_CONS of (Loc.loc * string)
| OP_REPEAT of (Loc.loc * string)
| OP_VEC_REPEAT of (Loc.loc * string)
| OP_LT of (Loc.loc * string)
| OP_GT of (Loc.loc * string)
| OP_LE of (Loc.loc * string)
| OP_GE of (Loc.loc * string)
| OP_VEC_LT of (Loc.loc * string)
| OP_VEC_GT of (Loc.loc * string)
| OP_VEC_LE of (Loc.loc * string)
| OP_VEC_GE of (Loc.loc * string)
| OP_VEC_LT_S of (Loc.loc * string)
| OP_VEC_GT_S of (Loc.loc * string)
| OP_VEC_LE_S of (Loc.loc * string)
| OP_VEC_GE_S of (Loc.loc * string)
| OP_LSHIFT of (Loc.loc * string)
| OP_RSHIFT of (Loc.loc * string)
| OP_VEC_LSHIFT of (Loc.loc * string)
| OP_VEC_RSHIFT of (Loc.loc * string)
| OP_VEC_RSHIFT_S of (Loc.loc * string)
| OP_ADD of (Loc.loc * string)
| OP_SUB of (Loc.loc * string)
| OP_VEC_ADD of (Loc.loc * string)
| OP_VEC_SUB of (Loc.loc * string)
| OP_MUL of (Loc.loc * string)
| OP_DIV of (Loc.loc * string)
| OP_MOD of (Loc.loc * string)
| OP_VEC_MUL of (Loc.loc * string)
| OP_VEC_DIV of (Loc.loc * string)
| OP_VEC_MOD of (Loc.loc * string)
| OP_VEC_MUL_S of (Loc.loc * string)
| OP_POW of (Loc.loc * string)
| OP_VEC_POW of (Loc.loc * string)
| OP_NOT of (Loc.loc * string)
| OP_BW_NOT of (Loc.loc * string)
| OP_HEAD of (Loc.loc * string)
| OP_TAIL of (Loc.loc * string)
| OP_LENGTH of (Loc.loc * string)
| OP_WIDTH of (Loc.loc * string)
| OP_VEC_NOT of (Loc.loc * string)
| OP_VEC_MSB of (Loc.loc * string)
| OP_VEC_MSBS of (Loc.loc * string)
| OP_VEC_LSB of (Loc.loc * string)
| OP_VEC_LSBS of (Loc.loc * string)
| OP_PROP_NOT of (Loc.loc * string)
| OP_PROP_X of (Loc.loc * string)
| OP_DOT of (Loc.loc * string)
| OP_VEC_SELECT of (Loc.loc * string)
val file : (Lexing.lexbuf -> token) -> Lexing.lexbuf -> CfAst.expr