Table of Contents
This creates a new empty recipe. If there is a current recipe with unsaved changes the user is given a chance to save it.
This opens an existing recipe. Use the Open dialog to select the recipe you wish to open.
This is a shortcut to open recently saved recipes. This item opens a list with several of the most recently saved recipes to choose from.
Saves the current recipe. If this is the first time the recipe has been saved, the Save As dialog (described next) will be shown.
Saves the recipe under a new file name. A Save As dialog will be shown to select the name of the file to save to.
Exports the recipe to a different format. This command will display the Export dialog, which is very similar to the Save As dialog.
Display a print preview dialog. This dialog can be used to preview the recipe before printing.
This prints the recipe. Opens a print dialog allowing the user to specify where and how to print.
Quits QBrew. If you have unsaved recipes, you will be prompted to save them.
Brings up the Alchohol Percentage tool. This is used to calculate alcohol percentage by weight or volume, from measured specific gravity readins.
Brings up the Hydrometer Correction tool. This is used to correct hydrometer readings taken at temperatures other than the calibrated temperature.
Brings up the Database Editor tool. This is used to edit the database of ingredients and styles.
Toggle the main toolbar on and off. When unchecked the toolbar is hidden.
Toggle the status bar on and off. When unchecked the status bar is hidden.
This configures settings for QBrew. A dialog is shown to configure general, recipe and calculation related settings.
Opens up a help window and displays this document.
Opens up a help window and displays a brewing primer.
Brings up a cursor you can use to find out what various controls and objects in the application do. Clicking on an item within QBrew will pop up a small window with help on that item.
Displays copyright and other basic information about QBrew