The Configuration dialog is used configuring QBrew. There are four buttons on the bottom of the dialog. Pressing the OK button will apply all settings and close the dialog. Pressing the Reset button will reset the dialog to default values. Pressing the Apply button will apply the settings, but not close the dialog. The Cancel button will close the dialog without applying the settings.
Configuration changes are automatically saved when the OK button is pressed.
The "Look and feel" control allows you to change the look and feel (theme) of QBrew. "Show splash screen" lets you choose to display or not display the program startup splash screen.
The "Recent files" control selects the number of files displayed in the "Open Recent" menu. The "Enable autosave" controls set whether automatic saving of the current recipe is done, and how often. The "Enable autobackup" control sets whether recipes are automatically backed up. The "Load last file" control determines whether the previously used recipe is automatically loaded upon program startup.
The "Recipe Defaults" section sets some default recipe values. These settings only affect new recipes or ingredients. They include "Batch size", "Recipe style", and "Hop type".