libplp Annotated List

Annotated List
Enum Wrapper class featuring range-checking and string representation of enumerated values.
EnumBase the Base for the Enum template.
EnumBase::i2sMapper maps integers (typically: enumeration values) to Strings.
IOWatch A simple wrapper for select()
LangTableEntry Holder of a language entry, translating from language numbers to names.
PlpDirent A class, representing a directory entry of the Psion.
PlpDrive A class representing information about a Disk drive on the psion.
PlpUID A class, representing the UIDs of a file on the Psion.
PsiProcess A class, describing a Process on the Psion.
PsiTime Psion time related utility class.
PsiZone A singleton wrapper for a psi_timezone .
SISComponentNameRecord The name of the component in this SIS file.
SISFile The language number.
SISFileHeader The first part of a SISFile.
SISFileRecord Information about a file component in a SIS file.
SISLangRecord A simple language record, only containing the epoc specific 16 bit language number.
SISReqRecord Information about an application that must be installed prior to the current one.
bufferArray An array of bufferStores
bufferStore A generic container for an array of bytes.
logbuf A streambuffer, logging via syslog
ppsocket The socket to be used for connecting to the ncpd daemon.
rclip Remote ClipBoard services via PLP
rfsv Access remote file services of a Psion.
rfsv16 This is the implementation of the rfsv protocol for Psion series 3 (SIBO) variant.
rfsv32 This is the implementation of the rfsv protocol for Psion series 5 (EPOC) variant.
rfsvDirhandle A helper class for storing intermediate internal information in rfsv16 and rfsv32 . (internal)
rfsvfactory A factory for automatically instantiating the correct rfsv protocol variant depending on the connected Psion.
rpcs Remote procedure call services via PLP
rpcs16 This is the implementation of the rpcs protocol for Psion series 3 (SIBO) variant.
rpcs32 This is the implementation of the rpcs protocol for Psion series 5 (EPOC) variant.
rpcsfactory A factory for automatically instantiating the correct protocol variant depending on the connected Psion.
wprt Remote Print services via PLP

Generated by: rrt on drom on Mon Nov 26 16:06:15 2007, using kdoc 2.0a54.