Enum |
Wrapper class featuring range-checking and string
representation of enumerated values. |
Enum::sdata | |
EnumBase |
the Base for the Enum template. |
EnumBase::i2sMapper |
maps integers (typically: enumeration values) to
Strings. |
IOWatch |
A simple wrapper for select()
LangTableEntry |
Holder of a language entry, translating from language numbers to
names. |
PlpDirent |
A class, representing a directory entry of the Psion. |
PlpDrive |
A class representing information about
a Disk drive on the psion. |
PlpUID |
A class, representing the UIDs of a file on the Psion. |
PsiProcess |
A class, describing a Process on the Psion. |
PsiTime |
Psion time related utility class. |
PsiZone |
A singleton wrapper for a psi_timezone . |
SISComponentNameRecord |
The name of the component in this SIS file. |
SISFile |
The language number. |
SISFileHeader |
The first part of a SISFile. |
SISFileRecord |
Information about a file component in a SIS file. |
SISLangRecord |
A simple language record, only containing the epoc specific 16 bit
language number. |
SISReqRecord |
Information about an application that must be installed prior to the
current one. |
bufferArray |
An array of bufferStores
bufferStore |
A generic container for an array of bytes. |
logbuf |
A streambuffer, logging via syslog
ppsocket |
The socket to be used for connecting to the
ncpd daemon. |
rclip |
Remote ClipBoard services via PLP
rfsv |
Access remote file services of a Psion. |
rfsv16 |
This is the implementation of the rfsv protocol for
Psion series 3 (SIBO) variant. |
rfsv32 |
This is the implementation of the rfsv protocol for
Psion series 5 (EPOC) variant. |
rfsvDirhandle |
A helper class for storing
intermediate internal information in rfsv16 and
rfsv32 . (internal) |
rfsvfactory |
A factory for automatically instantiating the correct
rfsv protocol variant depending on the connected Psion. |
rpcs |
Remote procedure call services via PLP
rpcs16 |
This is the implementation of the rpcs protocol for
Psion series 3 (SIBO) variant. |
rpcs32 |
This is the implementation of the rpcs protocol for
Psion series 5 (EPOC) variant. |
rpcsfactory |
A factory for automatically instantiating the correct protocol
variant depending on the connected Psion. |
wprt |
Remote Print services via PLP