An array of bufferStores
bufferArray ()
| bufferArray |
constructs a new bufferArray. A minimum of ALLOC_MIN elements is allocated.
bufferArray (const bufferArray &a)
| bufferArray |
Constructs a new bufferArray.
a | The initial contents for this array. |
~bufferArray ()
| ~bufferArray |
Destroys the bufferArray.
bufferArray & operator = (const bufferArray &a)
| operator = |
Copys the bufferArray.
bool empty ()
| empty |
Checks if this bufferArray is empty.
Returns: true if the bufferArray is empty.
bufferStore & operator [] (const unsigned long index)
| operator [] |
Retrieves the bufferStore at given index.
Returns: The bufferStore at index.
bufferArray operator + (const bufferStore &s)
| operator + |
Appends a bufferStore to a bufferArray.
s | The bufferStore to be appended. |
Returns: A new bufferArray with bufferStore appended to.
bufferArray operator + (const bufferArray &a)
| operator + |
Concatenates two bufferArrays.
a | The bufferArray to be appended. |
Returns: A new bufferArray consisting with a appended.
bufferArray & operator += (const bufferStore &s)
| operator += |
Appends a bufferStore to current instance.
s | The bufferStore to append. |
Returns: A reference to the current instance with s appended.
bufferArray & operator += (const bufferArray &a)
| operator += |
Appends a bufferArray to current instance.
a | The bufferArray to append. |
Returns: A reference to the current instance with a appended.
bufferStore pop (void)
| pop |
Removes the first bufferStore.
Returns: The removed bufferStore.
void push (const bufferStore& b)
| push |
Inserts a bufferStore at index 0.
b | The bufferStore to be inserted. |
void append (const bufferStore& b)
| append |
Appends a bufferStore.
b | The bufferStore to be appended. |
long length (void)
| length |
Evaluates the current length.
Returns: The current number of bufferStores
void clear (void)
| clear |
Empties the bufferArray.
Generated by: rrt on drom on Mon Nov 26 16:06:15 2007, using kdoc 2.0a54. |