Module Caml2html.Plugin

module Plugin: sig .. end

type handler = [ `Command of string | `Function of string -> string option ] 
Custom comment handler.
val add : string -> handler -> unit
Add or replace handler.
val remove : string -> unit
Remove handler if it exists.
val exists : string -> bool
Test whether such handler exists.
val find : string -> handler
Find handler or raise Not_found.
val count_newlines : string -> int
Count the number of newline characters in a string.
val expand : string -> string -> string option
expand handler_name s find the handler handler_name and apply it to the input string s. If the handler is an external command, the result is None if and only if the process exits with a non-zero status. If the handler is a function, the behavior corresponds to the behavior of the function itself and any exception is propagated.
val register_command : string -> unit
Parse and register a handler defined as "name:command".