Module Caml2html.Input

module Input: sig .. end

type token = [ `Comment of string
| `Construct of string
| `Keyword of string
| `Newline
| `Quotation of string
| `Special_comment of string * string
| `Start_annot of Caml2html.Annot.layer_info * string
| `Stop_annot of Caml2html.Annot.layer_info
| `String of string
| `Tab
| `Token of string ]
end of a type annotation read from .annot file
val parse : ?annot:Caml2html.Annot.tag list ->
Lexing.lexbuf -> token list
val string : ?filename:string ->
?annot:Caml2html.Annot.tag list -> string -> token list
val channel : ?filename:string ->
?annot:Caml2html.Annot.tag list ->
Pervasives.in_channel -> token list
val file : ?annot:Caml2html.Annot.tag list -> string -> token list