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6.2 TeX

The eukleides package that comes with the Eukleides distribution provides a convenient way to include geometric figures in LaTeX documents.

Eukleides figures must be enclosed in eukleides environments. When first running latex or pdflatex, the enclosed codes are saved to individual files, named after the TeX source. For instance, mydoc.tex would yield mydoc-fig1.pst, mydoc-fig2.pst, etc.

When using latex, the figure files should then be transformed in TeX files with the euktotex script (which takes the TeX source name as argument), and latex run again. It should be noted that the PSTricks package is automatically loaded if necessary.

When using pdflatex, due to incompatibilities with PSTricks, the figure files should be transformed in PDF pictures with the euktopdf script (which likewise takes the TeX source name as argument), and pdflatex run again. If specific packages are required to typeset the figures, the corresponding \usepackage directives have to be enclosed in a packages environment in the preamble. This has no effect when using latex.