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6 Usage

6.1 Invocation

Command-line invocation for eukleides, euktopst, or euktoeps is:

program { option … } file_name

The name of the generated output is formed of the base name of the input file and the .eps or .ps suffix for eukleides, the .pst suffix for euktopst, or the .eps suffix for euktopst. The base name is the file name deprived of the .euk suffix. If the .euk suffix is not present, the base name is the file name itself.

Common options

-l, --locale{=lang}

Use keywords localized in language lang. With no argument given, the current locale is set to the value of the LANG environment variable. This feature may be disabled.

-#, --interactive=string

Modify interactive variables.

-v, --version

Print version number and exit.

-h, --help

Print a short help and exit.

Options specific to eukleides and euktopst

-o, --output{=output_file}

Set an output file name. With no argument given, the output stream is set to standard output.

-b, --batchmode{=data_file}

Don’t stop for input. If given, use data_file instead of standard input.

Option specific to eukleides

-a, --animate=string

Animate interactive script.

Options specific to euktoeps

-i, --include=string

Include LaTeX directives in preamble.

-d, --data=data_file

Use specific data.