Siproxd Users Guide | ||
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private IP address range : Internet 10.0.0.x : (public IP address range) : : +-------------+ +--------------+ ! !.10 .1 ! masquerading ! publicIP ! Asterisk !---------------! Firewall !------------>> ! ! SIP trunk ! siproxd ! +-------------+ +--------------+ ! ! ! ! ! eth0 : ppp0 ..!.!.!.!.!..... extensions (local SIP clients)
Siproxd can also be used to masquerade an Asterisk server. The Asterisk server will register itself as a SIP UA (Client) to an external SIP registrar. In this example this would be again As Asterisk does not allow to specify an SIP outbound proxy we use the same setup for transparent proxying. The context values of the asterisk configuration probably must be adapted to fit your needs.
if_inbound = eth0 if_outbound = ppp0 hosts_allow_reg = sip_listen_port = 5060 daemonize = 1 silence_log = 1 user = siproxd registration_file = /var/lib/siproxd_registrations pid_file = /var/run/siproxd/ rtp_proxy_enable = 1 rtp_port_low = 7070 rtp_port_high = 7089 rtp_timeout = 300 default_expires = 600 debug_level = 0 debug_port = 0
Firewall configuration (iptables):
# redirect outgoing SIP traffic to siproxd (myself) iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -m udp -p udp -i eth0 \ --source --destination-port 5060 -j REDIRECT # allow incoming SIP and RTP traffic iptables -A INPUT -m udp -p udp -i ppp0 --dport 5060 -j ACCEPT iptables -A INPUT -m udp -p udp -i ppp0 --dport 7070:7080 -j ACCEPT
Asterisk configuration (SIP related part):
Note: Very important are the fromuser and fromdomain keywords in the client section. They are required to have Asterisk send the correct From headers in SIP dialogs. The used Asterisk version is 'SVN-branch-1.4-r62331M'.
With newer Asterisk versions, it is no longer required to have a separate REGISTER definition, this can be made implicit in the SIP trunk config.
; sip.conf: [general] port = 5060 ; Port to bind to (SIP is 5060) bindaddr = ; Address to bind to (all addresses on machine) context = from-sip-external ; Send unknown SIP callers to this context useragent = PBX ; NOTE: some providers (e.g do simply ; not work with the default "AsteriskPBX" ; UA String. ; Network Settings nat=never localnet = domain = ; Codecs disallow=all allow=gsm ; 13 Kbps allow=ulaw ; 64 Kbps allow=alaw ; 64 Kbps autoframing = yes ; SIP Settings canreinvite = no ; important! ; the following are just my settings I use, however ; I dont' consider them critical allowexternaldomains = yes allowexternalinvites = yes allowguest = yes allowsubscribe = no allowtransfer = yes alwaysauthreject = no autodomain = yes callevents = no compactheaders = no dumphistory = no g726nonstandard = no ignoreregexpire = no jbenable = no jbforce = no jblog = no maxcallbitrate = 384 maxexpiry = 3600 minexpiry = 180 notifyringing = no pedantic = no promiscredir = no recordhistory = no relaxdtmf = no rtcachefriends = no rtsavesysname = no rtupdate = no sendrpid = yes sipdebug = no t1min = 100 progressinband = no ;register = t38pt_udptl = no trustrpid = no usereqphone = no videosupport = no
The Trunk definition looks like:
; users.conf: [general] ; ; Full name of a user ; fullname = New User userbase = 200 ; ; Create voicemail mailbox and use use macro-stdexten ; hasvoicemail = yes ; ; Set voicemail mailbox 6000 password to 1234 ; vmsecret = 1234 ; ; Create SIP Peer ; hassip = yes hasiax = no ; ; Create H.323 friend ; ;hash323 = yes ; ; Create manager entry ; hasmanager = no ; ; Remaining options are not specific to users.conf entries but are general. ; callwaiting = yes threewaycalling = yes callwaitingcallerid = yes transfer = yes canpark = yes cancallforward = yes callreturn = yes callgroup = 1 pickupgroup = 1 host = dynamic localextenlength = 3 allow_aliasextns = no allow_an_extns = no hasagent = no hasdirectory = no ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; Local SIP UAs ; = locally connected phones. nothing special here. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; [201] callwaiting = yes cid_number = 201 context = local_sip email = e@mail fullname = Full Name group = hasagent = yes hasdirectory = yes hasiax = no hasmanager = no hassip = yes hasvoicemail = yes host = dynamic mailbox = 201 secret = sip_password threewaycalling = yes zapchan = registeriax = no registersip = yes vmsecret = 1234 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; SIP Trunks ; these are masqueraded via siproxd ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; [trunk_1] disallow = all allow = gsm,ulaw,alaw,adpcm,speex,g729,g723 callerid = contact = 17476691234 ; IMPORTANT context = DID_trunk_1 dialformat = ${EXTEN:1} fromdomain = fromuser = 17476691234 ; IMPORTANT group = hasexten = no hasiax = no hassip = yes host = insecure = very port = 5060 provider = registeriax = no registersip = yes secret = sip_password trunkname = Custom - sipphone1234 trunkstyle = customvoip username = 17476691234