Chapter 7. Sample Configurations

Check also the FAQ in the siproxd package.

7.1. The "Standard Scenario"


private IP address range             :          Internet
10.0.0.x                             :          (public IP address range)
+-------------+               +--------------+
!             !.10         .1 ! masquerading ! publicIP
! IntHost     !---------------! Firewall     !------------>>  
!             !               !              !   
+-------------+               +--------------+
                          eth0       :        ppp0

The Firewall does IP masquerading and is running siproxd. IntHost is running an SIP softphone (like linphone, kphone). The SIP address used by the softphone is The softphone is configured to register itself at siproxd running on the firewall host ( as is the domain name corresponding to the public IP address of the firewall (e.g. use some dynamic DNS service like DynDNS).

Firewall configuration (iptables):

# allow incoming SIP and RTP traffic
iptables -A INPUT -m udp -p udp -i ppp0 --dport 5060      -j ACCEPT
iptables -A INPUT -m udp -p udp -i ppp0 --dport 7070:7089 -j ACCEPT

Firewall configuration (ipchains):

# allow incoming SIP and RTP traffic
ipchains -A input --proto udp --dport 5060      -j ACCEPT
ipchains -A input --proto udp --dport 7070:7089 -j ACCEPT

The first line will allow incoming SIP traffic. The second line will allow incoming RTP traffic on the ports 7070 - 7089 (the default port range used by siproxd for incoming RTP traffic).