Table of Contents
Enter in the basic recipe details in the top section of the program window. There are fields for the title of the recipe, the name of the brewer, recipe style, and batch size.
The name of the recipe and the brewer are for identification purposes only. The recipe style will display the appropriate style parameters in the characteristics area. The batch size affects many calculations.
Recipe ingredients are added using the bottom section of the program window. There are tabs for grains and other fermentables, hops, and miscellaneous ingredients.
You can edit any field of an ingredient by double clicking within it. To enter a new ingredient, double click in the name field of a blank row. To remove an ingredient, set its name field to a blank.
The Notes tab of this section allows you to enter notes on the recipe and batches. These could be specific brewing procedures, brewing and bottling dates, or measured gravity. They are saved along with the recipe, but otherwise do not affect it.
The middle section of the program window details your recipe's characteristics. Information included here are the recommended gravity, bitterness and color for the selected recipe style, as well as the calculated gravity, bitterness, color and alcoholic content for your recipe.