Source: lib/psitime.h

Annotated List
 * $Id: psitime.h,v 1.15 2003/02/05 07:59:08 felfert Exp $
 * This file is part of plptools.
 *  Copyright (C) 2000-2002 Fritz Elfert 
 *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 *  (at your option) any later version.
 *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 *  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
#ifndef _PSITIME_H_
#define _PSITIME_H_



#  include 
#  include 
#    include 
#  else
#    include 
#  endif



 * Holds a Psion time value.
 * Psion time values are 64 bit
 * integers describing the time
 * since 01.01.0001 in microseconds.
typedef struct psi_timeval_t {
     * Prints a psi_timeval in human readable format.
    friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &o, const psi_timeval_t &ptv) {
	std::ostream::fmtflags old = o.flags();
	u_int64_t micro = ptv.tv_high;
	micro = (micro << 32) | ptv.tv_low;
	micro /= 1000000;
	int s = micro % 60;
	micro /= 60;
	int m = micro % 60;
	micro /= 60;
	int h = micro % 24;
	micro /= 24;
	int d = micro % 365;
	micro /= 365;
	int y = micro;
	o << std::dec;
	if (y > 0)
	    o << y << ((y > 1) ? _(" years ") : _(" year "));
	if (d > 0)
	    o << d << ((d > 1) ? _(" days ") : _(" day "));
	if (h > 0)
	    o << h << ((h != 1) ? _(" hours ") : _(" hour "));
	if (m > 0)
	    o << m << ((m != 1) ? _(" minutes ") : _(" minute "));
	o << s << ((s != 1) ? _(" seconds") : _(" second"));
	return o;
    * The lower 32 bits
    u_int32_t tv_low;
    * The upper 32 bits
    u_int32_t tv_high;
} psi_timeval;

 * holds a Psion time zone description.
typedef struct psi_timezone_t {
    friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &s, const psi_timezone_t &ptz) {
	std::ostream::fmtflags old = s.flags();
	int h = ptz.utc_offset / 3600;
	int m = ptz.utc_offset % 3600;
	s << "offs: " << std::dec << h << "h";
	if (m != 0)
	    s << ", " << m << "m";
	return s;
    signed long   utc_offset;
    unsigned long dst_zones;
    unsigned long home_zone;
} psi_timezone;

 * Psion time related utility class.
 * PsiTime provides easy access to the time format, used
 * when communicating with a Psion. Internally, the time
 * is always normalized to GMT. The time value can be set
 * and retrieved in both Unix and Psion formats. This
 * allows easy conversion between both formats.
 * NOTE: For proper conversion, the current timezone of
 * the Psion has to be set. For EPOC devices, the
 * timezone can be evaluated using
 * @ref rpcs::getMachineInfo . For SIBO devices,
 * unfortunately there is no known method of retrieving
 * this information. Therefore, if the timezone is
 * not set, a fallback using the environment
 * variable PSI_TZ is provided. Users should
 * set this variable to the offset of their time zone
 * in seconds. If PSI_TZ is net set, a second
 * fallback uses the local machine's setup, which assumes
 * that both Psion and local machine have the same
 * time zone and daylight settings.
 * @author Fritz Elfert 
class PsiTime {
    * Contructs a new instance.
    * @param _utv A Unix time value for initialization.
    * @param _utz A Unix timezone for initialization.
    PsiTime(struct timeval *_utv, struct timezone *_utz = 0L);

    * Contructs a new instance.
    * @param time A Unix time value for initialization.
    PsiTime(time_t time);

    * Contructs a new instance.
    * @param _ptv A Psion time value for initialization.
    * @param _ptz A Psion timezone for initialization.
    PsiTime(psi_timeval *_ptv, psi_timezone *_ptz = 0L);

    * Contructs a new instance.
    * @param _ptvHi The high 32 bits of a Psion time value for initialization.
    * @param _ptvLo The low 32 bits of a Psion time value for initialization.
    PsiTime(const u_int32_t _ptvHi, const u_int32_t _ptvLo);

    * Constructs a new instance, initializing to now.

    * A copy-constructor
    PsiTime(const PsiTime &t);

    * Destroys the instance.

    * Modifies the value of this instance.
    * @param _ptv The new Psion time representation.
    void setPsiTime(psi_timeval *_ptv);

    * Modifies the value of this instance.
    * @param stime The new SIBO time representation.
    void setSiboTime(u_int32_t stime);

    * Modifies the value of this instance.
    * @param _ptvHi The high 32 bits of a Psion time.
    * @param _ptvLo The low 32 bits of a Psion time.
    void setPsiTime(const u_int32_t _ptvHi, const u_int32_t _ptvLo);

    * Sets the Psion time zone of this instance.
    * @param _ptz The new Psion time zone.
    void setPsiZone(psi_timezone *_ptz);

    * Sets the value of this instance.
    * @param _utv The new Unix time representation.
    void setUnixTime(struct timeval *_utv);

    * Sets the value of this instance.
    * @param _utv The new Unix time representation.
    void setUnixTime(time_t time);

    * Sets the value of this instance to the
    * current time of the Unix machine.
    void setUnixNow(void);

    * Retrieves the instance's current value
    * in Unix time format.
    * @returns The instance's current time as Unix struct timeval.
    struct timeval &getTimeval(void);

    * Retrieves the instance's current value
    * in Unix time format.
    * @returns The instance's current time as Unix time_t.
    time_t getTime(void);

    * Retrieves the instance's current value
    * in SIBO time format.
    * @returns The instance's current time as SIBO time.
    u_int32_t getSiboTime();

    * Retrieves the instance's current value
    * in Psion time format.
    * @returns The instance's current time a Psion struct psi_timeval_t.
    psi_timeval &getPsiTimeval(void);

    * Retrieves the instance's current value
    * in Psion time format, high 32 bits.
    * @returns The instance's current time as lower 32 bits of
    * a Psion struct psi_timeval_t.
    const u_int32_t getPsiTimeLo(void);

    * Retrieves the instance's current value
    * in Psion time format, low 32 bits.
    * @returns The instance's current time as upper 32 bits of
    * a Psion struct psi_timeval_t.
    const u_int32_t getPsiTimeHi(void);

    * Prints the instance's value in human readable format.
    * This function uses the current locale setting for
    * formatting the time.
    * @param s The stream to be written.
    * @param t The instance whose value should be displayed.
    * @returns The stream.
    friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &s, const PsiTime &t);

    * Assignment operator
    PsiTime &operator=(const PsiTime &t);

     * Comparison operators
    bool operator==(const PsiTime &t);
    bool operator<(const PsiTime &t);
    bool operator>(const PsiTime &t);

    enum zone {
	PSI_TZ_HOME = 0x40000000

    void psi2unix(void);
    void unix2psi(void);
    void tryPsiZone();

    psi_timeval ptv;
    psi_timezone ptz;
    struct timeval utv;
    struct timezone utz;
    bool ptzValid;

 * A singleton wrapper for a @ref psi_timezone . This class is used
 * by @ref PsiTime to initialize it's psi_timezone variable.
 * PsiZone itself is initialized from within @ref rpcs::getMachineInfo .
 * In an application, you typically call this at the very beginning, just
 * after connection setup. From then on, a single PsiZone instance is
 * held in memory and used by the various constructors of PsiTime.
 * @author Fritz Elfert 
class PsiZone {
    friend class rpcs32;

    * Retrieve the singleton object.
    * If it does not exist, it is created.
    static PsiZone &getInstance();

    * Retrieve the Psion time zone.
    * @param ptz The time zone is returned here.
    * @returns false, if the time zone is not
    *          known (yet).
    bool getZone(psi_timezone &ptz);

    * This objects instance (singleton)
    static PsiZone *_instance;

    * Private constructor.

    void setZone(psi_timezone &ptz);

    bool _ptzValid;
    psi_timezone _ptz;

 * Local variables:
 * c-basic-offset: 4
 * End:

Generated by: rrt on drom on Mon Nov 26 16:06:15 2007, using kdoc 2.0a54.