Source: lib/bufferstore.h

Annotated List
 * $Id: bufferstore.h,v 1.13 2005/04/16 15:21:47 rrt Exp $
 * This file is part of plptools.
 *  Copyright (C) 1999  Philip Proudman 
 *  Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Fritz Elfert 
 *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 *  (at your option) any later version.
 *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 *  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA



 * A generic container for an array of bytes.
 * bufferStore provides an array of bytes which
 * can be accessed using various types.
class bufferStore {
    * Constructs a new bufferStore.

    * Constructs a new bufferStore and
    * initializes its content.
    * @param buf Pointer to data for initialization.
    * @param len Length of data for initialization.
    bufferStore(const unsigned char *, long);

    * Destroys a bufferStore instance.

    * Constructs a new bufferStore and
    * initializes its content.
    * @param b A bufferStore, whose content is
    * used for initialization.
    bufferStore(const bufferStore &);

    * Copies a bufferStore.
    bufferStore &operator =(const bufferStore &);

    * Retrieves the length of a bufferStore.
    * @returns The current length of the contents
    * 	in bytes.
    unsigned long getLen() const;

    * Retrieves the byte at index pos.
    * @param pos The index of the byte to retrieve.
    * @returns The value of the byte at index pos
    unsigned char getByte(long pos = 0) const;

    * Retrieves the word at index pos.
    * @param pos The index of the word to retrieve.
    * @returns The value of the word at index pos
    u_int16_t getWord(long pos = 0) const;

    * Retrieves the dword at index pos.
    * @param pos The index of the dword to retrieve.
    * @returns The value of the dword at index pos
    u_int32_t getDWord(long pos = 0) const;

    * Retrieves the characters at index pos.
    * @param pos The index of the characters to retrieve.
    * @returns A pointer to characters at index pos
    const char * getString(long pos = 0) const;

    * Removes bytes from the start of the buffer.
    * @param len Number of bytes to remove.
    void discardFirstBytes(int len = 0);

    * Prints a dump of the content.
    * Mainly used for debugging purposes.
    * @param s The stream to write to.
    * @param b The bufferStore do be dumped.
    * @returns The stream.
    friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &, const bufferStore &);

    * Tests if the bufferStore is empty.
    * @returns true, if the bufferStore is empty.
    * 	false, if it contains data.
    bool empty() const;

    * Initializes the bufferStore.
    * All data is removed, the length is
    * reset to 0.
    void init();

    * Initializes the bufferStore with
    * a given data.
    * @param buf Pointer to data to initialize from.
    * @param len Length of data.
    void init(const unsigned char * buf, long len);

    * Appends a byte to the content of this instance.
    * @param c The byte to append.
    void addByte(unsigned char c);

    * Appends a word to the content of this instance.
    * @param w The word to append.
    void addWord(int);

    * Appends a dword to the content of this instance.
    * @param dw The dword to append.
    void addDWord(long dw);

    * Appends a string to the content of this instance.
    * The trailing zero byte is not copied
    * to the content.
    * @param s The string to append.
    void addString(const char *s);

    * Appends a string to the content of this instance.
    * The trailing zero byte is copied
    * to the content.
    * @param s The string to append.
    void addStringT(const char *s);

    * Appends data to the content of this instance.
    * @param buf The data to append.
    * @param len Length of data.
    void addBytes(const unsigned char *buf, int len);

    * Appends data to the content of this instance.
    * @param b The bufferStore whose content to append.
    * @param maxLen Length of content to append. If
    *               @p maxLen is less than 0 or greater than
    *               the current length of @p b , then the
    *               whole content of @p b is appended.
    void addBuff(const bufferStore &b, long maxLen = -1);

    * Truncates the buffer.
    * If the buffer is smaller, does nothing.
    * @param newLen The new length of the buffer.
    void truncate(long newLen);

    * Prepends a byte to the content of this instance.
    * @param c The byte to append.
    void prependByte(unsigned char c);

    * Prepends a word to the content of this instance.
    * @param w The word to append.
    void prependWord(int);

    void checkAllocd(long newLen);

    long len;
    long lenAllocd;
    long start;
    unsigned char * buff;

    enum c { MIN_LEN = 300 };

inline bool bufferStore::empty() const {
    return (len - start) == 0;


 * Local variables:
 * c-basic-offset: 4
 * End:

Generated by: rrt on drom on Mon Nov 26 16:06:15 2007, using kdoc 2.0a54.