Using libpcapnav

Table of Contents
Using pcapnav-config in configure scripts
libpcapnav code examples
Controlling debugging output at runtime
Using libpcapnav to append packets to existing traces

In case you are used to using libpcap, handling libpcapnav will be trivial. The API is intentionally just a minimal wrapper around libpcap calls, with a few extra functions to perform the trace file navigation. Essentially, wherever you said "pcap" before, you now say "pcapnav". This chapter will walk you through an example that demonstrates how to open a trace file, navigate to specific points in the file, and read & write packets.


To make it easier to configure your software package to use libpcapnav, the library comes with a shellscript that provides the neccessary compiler and linker flags (similarly to many other packages): pcapnav-config. Use the --cflags option to obtain the compiler options and --libs to obtain the linker options.

Using pcapnav-config in configure scripts

If you use the autoconf/automake tools, we recommend something along the following lines for your configure script:

dnl ##################################################
dnl # Check for pcapnav
dnl ##################################################
    AC_HELP_STRING([--with-pcapnav-config=FILE], [Use given pcapnav-config]),
    [ pcncfg="$withval" ],
    [ AC_PATH_GENERIC(pcapnav,,
          AC_MSG_ERROR(Cannot find libpcapnav: Is pcapnav-config in path?)) ])

pcapnav_libs=`$pcncfg --libs`
pcapnav_cflags=`$pcncfg --cflags`

libpcapnav code examples

Time for some code. We will introduce variables whenever context requires it, and not necessarily at the beginning. In order to make the API known to the compiler, include pcapnav.h. This includes pcap.h for you, so you don't need to do it.

#include <pcapnav.h>

libpcapnav needs a tiny bit of initialization (right now only for debugging purposes, but this might change in the future). After that, the functions access their stateful information just like libpcap through a handle structure that you obtain as follows:

pcapnav_t *pn;

/* Initialize the library */

/* Now create a pcapnav handle */
if ( (pn = pcapnav_open_offline("foo.trace")) == NULL)
    /* Didn't work -- appropriate error handling */

At this point you can iterate the packets in the trace as usual, or navigate to some region in the trace. For example, you find out the timeframe that is contained in the trace:

struct bpf_timeval start_tv, end_tv;

if (pcapnav_get_timespan(pn, &start_tv, &end_tv) != 0)
    printf("Could not obtain timespan.\n");
    /* Rest of error handling */

libpcapnav jumped close to the end of trace, resynchronized with the packet stream and copied out the timestamp of the last packet. Note that it is recommended to always use struct bpf_timeval when using libpcapnav and not struct timeval. This masks some deviations in naming among different platforms.

Now say you know that an interesting event occurred in the traffic at a specific time. You want to jump to the packet whose timestamp is closest to that time, and then dump all packets that were captured within the next ten minutes to a new trace file. We'll need a libpcap dumper, as usual. To obtain the standard %pcap; handle from a %pcapnav; handle, use pcapnav_pcap():

pcap_dumper_t *dumper;
char *savefile;

/* Obtain savefile name somehow ... */

if ( (dumper = pcap_dump_open(pcapnav_pcap(pn), savefile)) == NULL)
    printf("Could not open savefile %s\n", savefile);
    /* Rest of error handling */

Now let's jump to the timestamp we are interested in:

struct bpf_timeval event_tv;
pcapnav_result_t result;

/* Set event_tv to the correct time somehow ... */

/* Attempt to jump to that timestamp: */
result = pcapnav_goto_timestamp(pn, &event_tv);


At this point, several things may have gone wrong: maybe the timestamp you are looking for actually falls outside the timeframe contained in the trace, or it was not possible to determine unambiguously the sequence of packets. After performing navigation, you should therefore always perform error checking!

The following outcomes are possible:

We want to be sure that things work, so we check for PCAPNAV_DEFINITELY:

    printf("Navigation failed.\n");
    /* Rest of error handling */

We want the next 10 minutes of traffic, so let's obtain the timestamp of the packet we're now pointing at, and add 10 minutes as a stop condition.

struct bpf_timeval current_tv, stop_tv;

if (pcapnav_get_current_timestamp(pn, &current_tv) != 0)
    printf("Something went wrong -- invalid input?\n");
    /* Rest of error handling */      

/* Current timestamp is now in current_tv, add 10 mins for stop condition: */
stop_tv = current_tv;
stop_tv.tv_sec += 10*60;

Almost there — now just iterate!

const u_char *packet_data;
struct pcap_pkthdr header;

do {
  if (! (packet_data = pcapnav_next(pn, &header)))
      printf("No more packets readable -- aborting.\n");
      /* Rest of error handling */       

  /* Dump packet to new trace: */
  pcap_dump((u_char *) dumper, &header, packet_data);
  current_tv = header.ts;

} while (pcapnav_timeval_cmp(&current_tv, &stop_tv) <= 0);

We're done, now clean up:


In other scenarios you may find the callback-based pcapnav_loop() more convenient. Please have a look at the API reference in the following chapter for more details.

Controlling debugging output at runtime

If your libpcapnav was built with debugging support enabled (by passing --enable-debugging at configure time), you can enable and disable debugging output at any time in your program in the global pcapnav_runtime_options structure. The relevant elements are as follows:

Setting these values in a non-debugging libpcapnav will still compile (no need for preprocessor hacks) but won't have any effect.

Using libpcapnav to append packets to existing traces

When creating an output dumper using libpcap (using pcap_dump_open()), the output trace file is created from scratch. Using libpcapnav, you can also create a libpcap dumper out of an existing trace and append packets at the trace's end.

The function you use for this purpose is pcapnav_dump_open(). It allows you to append packets to an existing trace file, given that the linklevel protocols are the same (that's imposed by the current libpcap file format). There are three different modes you can select for the operation:

Once you're done, you can close the dumper as usual, using pcap_dump_close().