
Class server



// In header: </home/maarten/projects/libzeep/zeep/http/server.hpp>

class server : public zeep::http::request_handler {
  // construct/copy/destruct
  server(const server &);
  server& operator=(const server &);

  // public member functions
  void bind(const std::string &, unsigned short);
  void run(int);
  void stop();
  void log_forwarded(bool);
  std::string address() const;
  unsigned short port() const;
  boost::asio::io_service & get_io_service();

  // public static functions
  static std::ostream & log();

  // protected member functions
  void handle_request(const request &, reply &);
  void log_request(const std::string &, const request &, const reply &, 
                   const boost::posix_time::ptime &, const std::string &, 
                   const std::string &, const std::string &);

  // private member functions
  void handle_request(boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket &, const request &, 
                      reply &);
  void handle_accept(const boost::system::error_code &);


server public construct/copy/destruct

  1. server();
  2. server(const server &);
  3. server& operator=(const server &);
  4. ~server();

server public member functions

  1. void bind(const std::string & address, unsigned short port);
    Bind the server to address and port.
  2. void run(int nr_of_threads);
  3. void stop();
  4. void log_forwarded(bool v);
    log_forwarded tells the HTTP server to use the last entry in X-Forwarded-For as client log entry
  5. std::string address() const;
  6. unsigned short port() const;
  7. boost::asio::io_service & get_io_service();
    get_io_service has to be public since we need it to call notify_fork from child code

server public static functions

  1. static std::ostream & log();
    to extend the log entry for a current request, use this ostream:

server protected member functions

  1. void handle_request(const request & req, reply & rep);
  2. void log_request(const std::string & client, const request & req, 
                     const reply & rep, const boost::posix_time::ptime & start, 
                     const std::string & referer, const std::string & userAgent, 
                     const std::string & entry);
    the default entry logger

server private member functions

  1. void handle_request(boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket & socket, 
                        const request & req, reply & rep);
  2. void handle_accept(const boost::system::error_code & ec);
