TSE3 documentation Version 0.3.1 Index API  Version  Structure 

TSE3 library copyright details

TSE3 is released under the terms of the GNU General Public License. See the COPYING file included in the source package, or visit the GNU website for more information.

TSE3 is copyright © Pete Goodliffe 2000-2003.

You may freely use TSE3 under the license terms. In addition to this, I request that if you use the library you:

  1. Tell me (so I can keep a track of how much it is being used, and learn how I can improve it)
  2. Display a notice in the program (perhaps the Help->About dialogue) and also in the documentation crediting use of the library. Something like 'Uses TSE3 technology' is sufficient. You should provide access to the version strings in the TSE3.h file in the program. I also have a small logo which you may wish to use.

If you are interested in licensing TSE3 under a different conditions, then contact the author.
 © Pete Goodliffe, 2001-2003 Copyright Psalm 150