Module Voaacenc

module Voaacenc: sig .. end

AAC encoding module for OCaml


exception Failed
exception Not_implemented
exception Invalid_voaacenc_argument
exception Input_buffer_too_small
exception Output_buffer_too_small
exception Unknown of int
val string_of_exception : exn -> string option


type parameters = {
   samplerate : int;
   channels : int;
   bitrate : int;
   adts : bool;
type t 


val create : parameters -> t
Create a new encoder.
val recommended_minimum_input : t -> int
Recommended minimun input to feed to the decoder.
val encode_string : t -> string -> string * int
encode_string enc data encodes the given S16LE pcm buffer and returns AAC data and the number of input bytes consumed by the decoder.
val encode_substring : t -> string -> int -> int -> string * int
encode_substring enc data offset len encodes the sub-string of data starting at position offset and of length len. Raises Invalid_argument if such sub-string does not exist.
val encode_buffer : t -> Buffer.t -> string
encode_buffer enc buffer encodes S16LE data from the string buffer buffer and drops consumed data from buffer. This does nothing if Buffer.length buffer < recommended_minumun_input enc