Module Libvirt.Pool

module Pool: sig .. end
Module dealing with storage pools.

type 'rw t 
Storage pool handle.
type pool_state = 
| Inactive
| Building
| Running
| Degraded (*State of the storage pool.*)
type pool_build_flags = 
| New
| Repair
| Resize (*Flags for creating a storage pool.*)
type pool_delete_flags = 
| Normal
| Zeroed (*Flags for deleting a storage pool.*)
type pool_info = {
   state : pool_state; (*Pool state.*)
   capacity : int64; (*Logical size in bytes.*)
   allocation : int64; (*Currently allocated in bytes.*)
   available : int64; (*Remaining free space bytes.*)
val lookup_by_name : 'a Libvirt.Connect.t -> string -> 'a t
val lookup_by_uuid : 'a Libvirt.Connect.t -> Libvirt.uuid -> 'a t
val lookup_by_uuid_string : 'a Libvirt.Connect.t -> string -> 'a t
Look up a storage pool by name, UUID or UUID string.
val create_xml : [> `W ] Libvirt.Connect.t -> Libvirt.xml -> t
Create a storage pool.
val define_xml : [> `W ] Libvirt.Connect.t -> Libvirt.xml -> t
Define but don't activate a storage pool.
val build : [> `W ] t -> pool_build_flags -> unit
Build a storage pool.
val undefine : [> `W ] t -> unit
Undefine configuration of a storage pool.
val create : [> `W ] t -> unit
Start up a defined (inactive) storage pool.
val destroy : [> `W ] t -> unit
Destroy a storage pool.
val delete : [> `W ] t -> unit
Delete a storage pool.
val free : [> `R ] t -> unit
Free a storage pool object in memory.

The storage pool object is automatically freed if it is garbage collected. This function just forces it to be freed right away.

val refresh : [ `R ] t -> unit
Refresh the list of volumes in the storage pool.
val get_name : [ `R ] t -> string
Name of the pool.
val get_uuid : [ `R ] t -> Libvirt.uuid
Get the UUID (as a packed byte array).
val get_uuid_string : [ `R ] t -> string
Get the UUID (as a printable string).
val get_info : [ `R ] t -> pool_info
Get information about the pool.
val get_xml_desc : [ `R ] t -> Libvirt.xml
Get the XML description.
val get_autostart : [ `R ] t -> bool
Get the autostart flag for the storage pool.
val set_autostart : [ `W ] t -> bool -> unit
Set the autostart flag for the storage pool.
val num_of_volumes : [ `R ] t -> int
Returns the number of storage volumes within the storage pool.
val list_volumes : [ `R ] t -> int -> string array
Return list of storage volumes.
val const : [> `R ] t -> t
const conn turns a read/write storage pool into a read-only pool. Note that the opposite operation is impossible.