Module Libvirt.Domain

module Domain: sig .. end
Module dealing with domains. Domain.t is the domain object.

type 'rw t 
Domain handle. Read-only handles have type ro Domain.t and read-write handles have type rw Domain.t.
type state = 
| InfoNoState
| InfoRunning
| InfoBlocked
| InfoPaused
| InfoShutdown
| InfoShutoff
| InfoCrashed
type info = {
   state : state; (*running state*)
   max_mem : int64; (*maximum memory in kilobytes*)
   memory : int64; (*memory used in kilobytes*)
   nr_virt_cpu : int; (*number of virtual CPUs*)
   cpu_time : int64; (*CPU time used in nanoseconds*)
type vcpu_state = 
| VcpuOffline
| VcpuRunning
| VcpuBlocked
type vcpu_info = {
   number : int; (*virtual CPU number*)
   vcpu_state : vcpu_state; (*state*)
   vcpu_time : int64; (*CPU time used in nanoseconds*)
   cpu : int; (*real CPU number, -1 if offline*)
type sched_param = string * sched_param_value 
type sched_param_value = 
| SchedFieldInt32 of int32
| SchedFieldUInt32 of int32
| SchedFieldInt64 of int64
| SchedFieldUInt64 of int64
| SchedFieldFloat of float
| SchedFieldBool of bool
type typed_param = string * typed_param_value 
type typed_param_value = 
| TypedFieldInt32 of int32
| TypedFieldUInt32 of int32
| TypedFieldInt64 of int64
| TypedFieldUInt64 of int64
| TypedFieldFloat of float
| TypedFieldBool of bool
| TypedFieldString of string
type migrate_flag = 
| Live
type memory_flag = 
| Virtual
type list_flag = 
| ListActive
| ListInactive
| ListAll
type block_stats = {
   rd_req : int64;
   rd_bytes : int64;
   wr_req : int64;
   wr_bytes : int64;
   errs : int64;
type interface_stats = {
   rx_bytes : int64;
   rx_packets : int64;
   rx_errs : int64;
   rx_drop : int64;
   tx_bytes : int64;
   tx_packets : int64;
   tx_errs : int64;
   tx_drop : int64;
val max_peek : [> `R ] t -> int
Maximum size supported by the Libvirt.Domain.block_peek and Libvirt.Domain.memory_peek functions. If you want to peek more than this then you must break your request into chunks.
val create_linux : [> `W ] Libvirt.Connect.t -> Libvirt.xml -> t
Create a new guest domain (not necessarily a Linux one) from the given XML.
val lookup_by_id : 'a Libvirt.Connect.t -> int -> 'a t
Lookup a domain by ID.
val lookup_by_uuid : 'a Libvirt.Connect.t -> Libvirt.uuid -> 'a t
Lookup a domain by UUID. This uses the packed byte array UUID.
val lookup_by_uuid_string : 'a Libvirt.Connect.t -> string -> 'a t
Lookup a domain by (string) UUID.
val lookup_by_name : 'a Libvirt.Connect.t -> string -> 'a t
Lookup a domain by name.
val destroy : [> `W ] t -> unit
Abruptly destroy a domain.
val free : [> `R ] t -> unit
free domain frees the domain object in memory.

The domain object is automatically freed if it is garbage collected. This function just forces it to be freed right away.

val suspend : [> `W ] t -> unit
Suspend a domain.
val resume : [> `W ] t -> unit
Resume a domain.
val save : [> `W ] t -> Libvirt.filename -> unit
Suspend a domain, then save it to the file.
val restore : [> `W ] Libvirt.Connect.t -> Libvirt.filename -> unit
Restore a domain from a file.
val core_dump : [> `W ] t -> Libvirt.filename -> unit
Force a domain to core dump to the named file.
val shutdown : [> `W ] t -> unit
Shutdown a domain.
val reboot : [> `W ] t -> unit
Reboot a domain.
val get_name : [> `R ] t -> string
Get the domain name.
val get_uuid : [> `R ] t -> Libvirt.uuid
Get the domain UUID (as a packed byte array).
val get_uuid_string : [> `R ] t -> string
Get the domain UUID (as a printable string).
val get_id : [> `R ] t -> int
get_id dom returns the ID of the domain. In most cases this returns -1 if the domain is not running.
val get_os_type : [> `R ] t -> string
Get the operating system type.
val get_max_memory : [> `R ] t -> int64
Get the maximum memory allocation.
val set_max_memory : [> `W ] t -> int64 -> unit
Set the maximum memory allocation.
val set_memory : [> `W ] t -> int64 -> unit
Set the normal memory allocation.
val get_info : [> `R ] t -> info
Get information about a domain.
val get_xml_desc : [> `R ] t -> Libvirt.xml
Get the XML description of a domain.
val get_scheduler_type : [> `R ] t -> string * int
Get the scheduler type.
val get_scheduler_parameters : [> `R ] t -> int -> sched_param array
Get the array of scheduler parameters.
val set_scheduler_parameters : [> `W ] t -> sched_param array -> unit
Set the array of scheduler parameters.
val define_xml : [> `W ] Libvirt.Connect.t -> Libvirt.xml -> t
Define a new domain (but don't start it up) from the XML.
val undefine : [> `W ] t -> unit
Undefine a domain - removes its configuration.
val create : [> `W ] t -> unit
Launch a defined (inactive) domain.
val get_autostart : [> `R ] t -> bool
Get the autostart flag for a domain.
val set_autostart : [> `W ] t -> bool -> unit
Set the autostart flag for a domain.
val set_vcpus : [> `W ] t -> int -> unit
Change the number of vCPUs available to a domain.
val pin_vcpu : [> `W ] t -> int -> string -> unit
pin_vcpu dom vcpu bitmap pins a domain vCPU to a bitmap of physical CPUs. See the libvirt documentation for details of the layout of the bitmap.
val get_vcpus : [> `R ] t ->
int -> int -> int * vcpu_info array * string
get_vcpus dom maxinfo maplen returns the pinning information for a domain. See the libvirt documentation for details of the array and bitmap returned from this function.
val get_cpu_stats : [> `R ] t -> int -> typed_param list array
get_pcpu_stats dom nr_pcpu returns the physical CPU stats for a domain. See the libvirt documentation for details.
val get_max_vcpus : [> `R ] t -> int
Returns the maximum number of vCPUs supported for this domain.
val attach_device : [> `W ] t -> Libvirt.xml -> unit
Attach a device (described by the device XML) to a domain.
val detach_device : [> `W ] t -> Libvirt.xml -> unit
Detach a device (described by the device XML) from a domain.
val migrate : [> `W ] t ->
[> `W ] Libvirt.Connect.t ->
migrate_flag list ->
?dname:string ->
?uri:string -> ?bandwidth:int -> unit -> t
migrate dom dconn flags () migrates a domain to a destination host described by dconn.

The optional flag ?dname is used to rename the domain.

The optional flag ?uri is used to route the migration.

The optional flag ?bandwidth is used to limit the bandwidth used for migration (in Mbps).

val block_stats : [> `R ] t -> string -> block_stats
Returns block device stats.
val interface_stats : [> `R ] t -> string -> interface_stats
Returns network interface stats.
val block_peek : [> `W ] t -> string -> int64 -> int -> string -> int -> unit
block_peek dom path offset size buf boff reads size bytes at offset in the domain's path block device.

If successful then the data is written into buf starting at offset boff, for size bytes.

See also Libvirt.Domain.max_peek.

val memory_peek : [> `W ] t ->
memory_flag list -> int64 -> int -> string -> int -> unit
memory_peek dom Virtual offset size reads size bytes at offset in the domain's virtual memory.

If successful then the data is written into buf starting at offset boff, for size bytes.

See also Libvirt.Domain.max_peek.

val const : [> `R ] t -> t
const dom turns a read/write domain handle into a read-only domain handle. Note that the opposite operation is impossible.
val get_domains : ([> `R ] as 'a) Libvirt.Connect.t ->
list_flag list -> 'a t list
Get the active and/or inactive domains using the most efficient method available.

See also: Libvirt.Domain.get_domains_and_infos, Libvirt.Connect.list_domains, Libvirt.Connect.list_defined_domains.

val get_domains_and_infos : ([> `R ] as 'a) Libvirt.Connect.t ->
list_flag list ->
('a t * info) list
This gets the active and/or inactive domains and the domain info for each one using the most efficient method available.

See also: Libvirt.Domain.get_domains, Libvirt.Connect.list_domains, Libvirt.Connect.list_defined_domains, Libvirt.Domain.get_info.