Module Syslog

module Syslog: sig .. end
Syslog routines

These are loosely based on the unix syslog(3) function and relatives.
type facility = [ `LOG_AUTH
The assorted logging facilities. The default is `LOG_USER. You can set a new default with openlog, or give a specific facility per syslog call.
type flag = [ `LOG_CONS | `LOG_PERROR | `LOG_PID ] 
Flags to pass to openlog. `LOG_CONS isn't implemented yet. LOG_NDELAY is mandatory and implied
type level = [ `LOG_ALERT
The priority of the error.
type t 
the type of a syslog connection
val facility_of_string : string -> facility
given a string descibing a facility, return the facility. The strings consist of the name of the facility with the LOG_ chopped off. They are not case sensitive.
Raises Syslog_error when given an invalid facility
val openlog : ?logpath:string ->
?facility:facility -> ?flags:flag list -> string -> t
openlog ?(logpath=AUTODETECTED) ?(facility=`LOG_USER) ?(flags=[]) program_name, similar to openlog(3)
Raises Syslog_error on error
val syslog : ?fac:facility -> t -> level -> string -> unit
Same as syslog(3), except there's no formats.
Raises Syslog_error on error (very rare)
val closelog : t -> unit
Close the log.
Raises Syslog_error on error