Module Shout

module Shout: sig .. end
Libshout 2 bindings for OCaml.
Author(s): Samuel Mimram

Types and exceptions.

type shout 
A shout connection.
exception Insane
Bad parameters, either nonsense or not applicable due to the current state of the connection.
exception No_connect
A connection with the server could not be established.
exception No_login
The server refused to accept a login attemp (bad user name or password?).
exception Socket
An error occured while sending or receiving data.
exception Malloc
A problem occured while trying to allocate memory (no more memory left?). This exception could be raised by most of the functions.
exception Metadata
An error occured while updating the metadatas on the server.
exception Connected
We are connected to a server.
exception Unconnected
We are not connected to a server.
exception Unsupported
The operation is not supported.
exception Send_error
An error occured while sending data.
type data_format = 
| Format_vorbis (*ogg / vorbis*)
| Format_mp3 (*mp3*)
Format of audio data.
type protocol = 
| Protocol_http (*http*)
| Protocol_xaudiocast (*audiocast*)
| Protocol_icy (*shoutcast*)
Kind of protocol to use.

Initialization and creation functions.

val init : unit -> unit
Initialize the shout library. Must be called before anything else.
val shutdown : unit -> unit
Shut down the shout library, deallocating any global storage. Don't call anything afterwards. This function should be called after having finished to use the shout library.
val version : unit -> string * int * int * int
Get a version string as well as the value of the library major, minor, and patch levels, respectively.
val get_error : shout -> string
Get a string describing the last shout error to occur. Only valid until the next call to a Shout function.
val get_errno : shout -> int
Get the number of the last error.
val new_shout : unit -> shout
Create a new shout value.
val is_connected : shout -> bool
Am I connected to a shoutcast server?

Setting and retrieving preliminary parameters.

The following parameters may be set only before calling open_shout. They might raise the Malloc exception or the Connected exception when attempting to change a connection attribute while the connection is open.

Connection parameters

val set_host : shout -> string -> unit
Set the server's hostname or ip address (default: localhost).
val get_host : shout -> string
Retrieve the server's hostname or ip address.
val set_port : shout -> int -> unit
Set the server's port (default: 8000).
val get_port : shout -> int
Retrieve the server's port.
val set_user : shout -> string -> unit
Set the user to authenticate as (default: source).
val get_user : shout -> string
Retrieve the user to authenticate as.
val set_password : shout -> string -> unit
Set the password to authenticate the server with.
val get_password : shout -> string
Retrieve the server's password.
val set_protocol : shout -> protocol -> unit
Set the protocol to connect to the server with (default: Protocol_http).
val get_protocol : shout -> protocol
Retrieve the protocol used to connect to the server.
val set_format : shout -> data_format -> unit
Set the stream's audio format (default: Format_vorbis).
val get_format : shout -> data_format
Retrieve the stream's audio format.
val set_mount : shout -> string -> unit
Set the the mountpoint (not supported by the Protocol_icy protocol).
val get_mount : shout -> string
Retrieve the mountpoint.
val set_dumpfile : shout -> string -> unit
Request that your stream be archived on the server under the specified name.
val get_dumpfile : shout -> string
Retrieve the dumpfile name.
val set_agent : shout -> string -> unit
Set the user agent header (default: libshout/VERSION).
val get_agent : shout -> string
Retrieve the user agent header.

Directory parameters (optionnal)

val set_public : shout -> bool -> unit
Should we ask the server to list the stream in any directories it knows about (default: false)?
val get_public : shout -> bool
Should we ask the server to list the stream in any directories it knows about?
val set_name : shout -> string -> unit
Set the name of the stream.
val get_name : shout -> string
Retrieve the name of the stream.
val set_url : shout -> string -> unit
Set the url of a site about this stream.
val get_url : shout -> string
Retrieve the url of a site about this stream.
val set_genre : shout -> string -> unit
Set the stream genre.
val get_genre : shout -> string
Retrieve the stream genre.
val set_description : shout -> string -> unit
Set the stream description.
val get_description : shout -> string
Retrieve the stream description.
val set_audio_info : shout -> string -> string -> unit
set_audio_info shout name value sets the stream audio parameter name to the value value.
val get_audio_info : shout -> string -> string
Retrieve a stream audio parameter.


val set_multicast_ip : shout -> string -> unit
Set the ip for multicasting the stream.
val get_multicast_ip : shout -> string
Retrieve the ip for multicasting the stream.

Managing the connection and sending data.

val open_shout : shout -> unit
Open a connection to the server. All parameters must already be set.
val close : shout -> unit
Close a connection to the server.
Raises Unconnected if the shout value is not currently connected.
val send : shout -> string -> unit
Send data to the server, parsing it for format specific timing info.
val send_raw : shout -> string -> int
Deprecated.Send unparsed data to the server. Do not use this unless you know what you are doing.
Raises Returns the number of bytes written.
val sync : shout -> unit
Put caller to sleep until it is time to send more data to the server. Should be called before every call to send (the function delay could also be used to determine the amout of time the caller should wait before sendig data).
val delay : shout -> int
Amount of time in miliseconds caller should wait before sending again.
val set_metadata : shout -> (string * string) array -> unit
Set metadata for mp3 streams.