module E:Event combinators.sig
Consult their semantics.
t ='a React.event
.val never : 'a React.event
]t = None
.val create : unit -> 'a React.event * ('a -> unit)
create ()
is a primitive event e
and a send
send v
generates an occurrence v
of e
at the time it is called
and triggers an update cycle.
Warning. send
must not be executed inside an update cycle.
val retain : 'a React.event -> (unit -> unit) -> [ `R of unit -> unit ]
retain e c
keeps a reference to the closure c
in e
returns the previously retained value. c
will never be
Raises. Invalid_argument
on React.E.never
val stop : 'a React.event -> unit
stop e
stops e
from occuring. It conceptually becomes
and cannot be restarted. Allows to
disable effectful events.
Note. If executed in an update cycle
the event may still occur in the cycle.
val equal : 'a React.event -> 'a React.event -> bool
equal e e'
is true
iff e
and e'
are equal. If both events are
different from React.E.never
, physical equality is used.val trace : ?iff:bool React.signal -> ('a -> unit) -> 'a React.event -> 'a React.event
trace iff tr e
is e
except tr
is invoked with e's
occurence when iff
is true
(defaults to S.const true
For all t where [e
]t = Some v
and [iff
]t =
, tr
is invoked with v
.val once : 'a React.event -> 'a React.event
once e
is e
with only its next occurence.
once e
]t = Some v
if [e
]t = Some v
]<t = None
.once e
]t = None
otherwise.val drop_once : 'a React.event -> 'a React.event
drop_once e
is e
without its next occurrence.
drop_once e
]t = Some v
if [e
]t = Some v
]<t = Some _
.drop_once e
]t = None
otherwise.val app : ('a -> 'b) React.event -> 'a React.event -> 'b React.event
app ef e
occurs when both ef
and e
The value is ef
's occurence applied to e
's one.
app ef e
]t = Some v'
if [ef
]t = Some f
]t = Some v
and f v = v'
.app ef e
]t = None
otherwise.val map : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a React.event -> 'b React.event
map f e
applies f
to e
's occurrences.
map f e
]t = Some (f v)
if [e
]t = Some v
.map f e
]t = None
otherwise.val stamp : 'b React.event -> 'a -> 'a React.event
stamp e v
is map (fun _ -> v) e
.val filter : ('a -> bool) -> 'a React.event -> 'a React.event
filter p e
are e
's occurrences that satisfy p
filter p e
]t = Some v
if [e
]t = Some v
p v = true
filter p e
]t = None
otherwise.val fmap : ('a -> 'b option) -> 'a React.event -> 'b React.event
fmap fm e
are e
's occurrences filtered and mapped by fm
fmap fm e
]t = Some v
if fm
]t = Some v
fmap fm e
]t = None
otherwise.val diff : ('a -> 'a -> 'b) -> 'a React.event -> 'b React.event
diff f e
occurs whenever e
occurs except on the next occurence.
Occurences are f v v'
where v
is e
's current
occurrence and v'
the previous one.
diff f e
]t = Some r
if [e
]t = Some v
]<t = Some v'
and f v v' = r
.diff f e
]t = None
otherwise.val changes : ?eq:('a -> 'a -> bool) -> 'a React.event -> 'a React.event
changes eq e
is e
's occurrences with occurences equal to
the previous one dropped. Equality is tested with eq
(defaults to
structural equality).
changes eq e
]t = Some v
if [e
]t = Some v
and either [e
]<t = None
or [e
]<t = Some v'
eq v v' = false
.changes eq e
]t = None
otherwise.val when_ : bool React.signal -> 'a React.event -> 'a React.event
when_ c e
is the occurrences of e
when c
is true
when_ c e
]t = Some v
if [c
]t = true
and [e
]t = Some v
.when_ c e
]t = None
otherwise.val dismiss : 'b React.event -> 'a React.event -> 'a React.event
dismiss c e
is the occurences of e
except the ones when c
dimiss c e
]t = Some v
if [c
]t = None
and [e
]t = Some v
.dimiss c e
]t = None
otherwise.val until : 'a React.event -> 'b React.event -> 'b React.event
until c e
is e
's occurences until c
until c e
]t = Some v
if [e
]t = Some v
]<=t = None
until c e
]t = None
otherwise.val accum : ('a -> 'a) React.event -> 'a -> 'a React.event
accum ef i
accumulates a value, starting with i
, using e
functional occurrences.
accum ef i
]t = Some (f i)
if [ef
]t = Some f
and [ef
]<t = None
accum ef i
]t = Some (f acc)
if [ef
]t = Some f
and [accum ef i
]<t = Some acc
.accum ef i
] = None
otherwise.val fold : ('a -> 'b -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'b React.event -> 'a React.event
fold f i e
accumulates e
's occurrences with f
starting with i
fold f i e
]t = Some (f i v)
]t = Some v
and [e
]<t = None
.fold f i e
]t = Some (f acc v)
]t = Some v
and [fold f i e
]<t = Some acc
.fold f i e
]t = None
otherwise.val select : 'a React.event list -> 'a React.event
select el
is the occurrences of every event in el
If more than one event occurs simultaneously
the leftmost is taken and the others are lost.
select el
]t =
[List.find (fun e ->
<> None) el
]tselect el
]t = None
otherwise.val merge : ('a -> 'b -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'b React.event list -> 'a React.event
merge f a el
merges the simultaneous
occurrences of every event in el
using f
and the accumulator a
[merge f a el
= List.fold_left f a (List.filter (fun o -> o <> None)
[]t el))
val switch : 'a React.event -> 'a React.event React.event -> 'a React.event
switch e ee
is e
's occurrences until there is an
occurrence e'
on ee
, the occurrences of e'
are then used
until there is a new occurrence on ee
, etc..
switch e ee
]t =
]t if [ee
]<=t = None
.switch e ee
]t =
]t if [ee
= Some e'
.val fix : ('a React.event -> 'a React.event * 'b) -> 'b
fix ef
allows to refer to the value an event had an
infinitesimal amount of time before.
In fix ef
, ef
is called with an event e
that represents
the event returned by ef
delayed by an infinitesimal amount of
time. If e', r = ef e
then r
is returned by fix
and e
is such that :
]t =
if t = 0 e
]t =
]t-dt otherwise
Raises. Invalid_argument
if e'
is directly a delayed event (i.e.
an event given to a fixing function).